COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

I didn’t put down that I have epilepsy.

Then again, I know it’s not any kind of risk factor related to covid.

We’re 3% away from that as of this comment.

They couldn’t produce the vaccine themselves. They were simply making someone else’s vaccine. The IP law was preventing them from producing their own vaccine.

The article you posted laid it out pretty clearly.

They physically can do it. They legally can not. It’s stupid that Bill Gates is stanning against them.

It’s like a cath, only they take out a small chunk of your heart muscle.

This is simply wrong. Not much else to say. They are producing vaccines.

Feel free to quote exactly what you’re using to support that claim. I’m not going digging to figure out what exactly you’re misunderstanding

I just noticed that my fully vaxxed day coincides with my birthday next week. I’ll be celebrating with my mommy making a cake


All the sick dog stories in the pets thread already did this to me.


That sounds disgusting.

Debating with the girlfriend. We are one week from jab one. How much protection do we have right now if any?

If you do have protection you should jab her again.


Legit lol’d. Well played.

We are long past the protection stage of our relationship.

Treat it as none IMO. I recall it takes ~10 days to start to develop anti-bodies. (No cite, Made up number)

A better question is how will you change your lifestyle after 1st dose considering 2nd dose is likely 4 months away?


Not letting my guard down till two weeks after vaccine #2.


Not planing to change anything till after second dose. Just feel less worried when out getting groceries etc. Only thing we are going to add is outdoor gatherings with 3-5 other friends who have had at least one dose.

That’s our debate. I say it can’t be none. She says it is. Seems like we must have some protection already.

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I think I’ve seen between 60-80% of avoiding covid with 1 shot, with much reduced effect if you don’t avoid it. Transmission also significantly lower.

As far as 10 days for antibodies to form, that just sounds like BS. It’s an ongoing biological process that they may measure at 10 days because there’s a strong response by then and so data is consistent, but it doesn’t go from 0 at 9 days to 100% at 10. I suspect, based on my general knowledge of the universe, that if you were exposed to covid 2 days post vaccination that you would likely have a less severe case based on having an immunological head start.

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if you want a serious answer (which, meh), Moderna or pfizer?


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Welp, then you’re fucked.


Japan is “considering” building a vaccine super center somewhere in Tokyo that would vaccine up to 10,000 people per day.

If this happens I’ll be on the first train to Tokyo.