COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

just in time for recall campaigning

Still trying to understand why the vaccine is something to be scared of if the virus is not. If the virus isn’t that bad, then it stands to reason that the vaccine can’t be that bad. Doesn’t it?

Lol at anti vaxxer people thinking it at this level of reasoning. They just aren’t putting that much thought into it. They’re just reacting to Facebook and YouTube propaganda.

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The only even somewhat reasonable arguments that I can think of (and I don’t even find these particularly persuasive) are:

  • possible allergies to some component(s) of the vaccine that is not present in the natural virus.

  • While unvaxxed people who are yolo-ing are pretty likely to catch the virus at some point, it isn’t guaranteed. On the other hand, when you get vaxxed you have 100% gotten vaxxed and therefore been exposed to whatever (very, very small. Did I say very small?) risk is posed by the vaccine.

Negative for the rona, negative for appendicitis, positive for eating too much dairy and other assorted crapola.


Shot #2 down about 8 hours ago. I was vacillating between CaffeineNeeded’s advice to hydrate and SenorKeeed’s advice to just get drunk enough so the shitty feelings are blurred together. However, went on a longer walk and the sore joints, tiredness, and general malaise symptoms have started. Looking forward to some more water and solid sleep tonight!



A single dose of a coronavirus vaccine can reduce household transmission of the virus by up to half, a study shows.

Those given a first dose of either the Pfizer or AstraZeneca vaccines - and who became infected three weeks later - were between 38% and 49% less likely to pass the virus on than unvaccinated people, PHE found.

Lactose free milk is slightly sweeter and lasts a lot longer.

I suspected normal milk might be partly responsible for a chronic gut problem but after testing the lactose free variety by substitution I found I prefer it for cereal and coffee anyway.

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I call it the Office Welp Face. As in, “Welp, this is awkward. But here we are.”

I think this should catch on.


Got Moderna #2 at 10AM on Saturday. Started feeling a bit feverish and exhausted at 830 or so, took 2 Tylenol. Went to bed at 10, woke up at 1230 with a 102 degree fever and in a cold sweat. 2 more Tylenol, battled hardcore chills for an hour or so then those abated, half slept all night and laid in bed until around 930AM Sunday. Felt like crud but less feverish as the day went on and by 5PM or so was basically feeling normal.


Republican members of Congress who also happen to be medical professionals released a video on Tuesday encouraging people to get COVID-19 vaccinations ― an important public health message meant to counter vaccine hesitancy among their constituents.

The video, organized by the 18-member GOP “Doctors’ Caucus,” stresses the safety of COVID-19 vaccines and the U.S. government’s “rigorous and transparent” process of overseeing their development.

“The FDA did not skip any steps,” Rep. Andy Harris (R-Md.), an anesthesiologist and caucus co-chair, assures about COVID-19 vaccines in the ad.


In my opinion.

The only one coming off immature in this series of posts is you. The information posted by @CaffeineNeeded in this thread is twice as helpful and useful as the next most helpful and useful poster in this thread AINEC.


US 7dma of new cases down 20 percent week over week, 7dma is now at the lowest since October 9th.

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There was a lot of anecdotal evidence to support this anyway. None of those summertime BLM protests ever seemed to turn into superspreader events, and there were plenty of people in the video of those protests chinstrapping or bare facing it.

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I’m pretty sure the rule was you had to mask outdoors if you were within six feet of other people. I don’t think you ever had to mask outdoors if you were by yourself or not near anyone…

In MA the rule has been masks in public at all times since about November including outside at all times.

As with any new medical condition, hard evidence about the prevalence of long Covid is difficult to come by.

The paediatric doctor, 42, has been off work since March 2020, when he fell ill with Covid-19, at the peak of the first wave. And like many other patients, his recovery has been far from straightforward.