COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

They also gave the all clear for basically all indoor activities for the vaccinated if masked.

Seems a bit aggressive, but also seems like they want to pivot to incentivizing vaccination but arent willing to go to a govt mandated vax passport type system

I do know it’s not wrong, and I’m not prepared to defend my implication that it is misleading now that I look at it more carefully. But I appreciated Keeed’s post(s) on the topic, same as with the Michigan / Florida thing from today. I’m with you on the rest of your post.

Keeds post would have been eminently reasonable if he didn’t say it was not close to true, despite it absolutely being true. If he wanted to provide context he wouldn’t have heard a peep from me. Instead he provided toxic pedantry that was literally wrong.

When you’re comparing states’ covid cases, an honest person will use population adjusted numbers. If someone tried to say California had a ten times higher rate than Kansas based on bulk numbers they’d be laughed at. That’s what that tweet was doing: it was dishonest.

I first thought you were responding to LFS about his flatulent kid.

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I’d assume being indoors surrounded only by vaxxed, masked people would be pretty safe.

lol “work” I read two articles and quoted the relevant part, I hope you aren’t under the impression I wrote all that

Also I haven’t read much from Glenn or Naomi in a while but please tell me what conspiracy theories are being spread here, I would love to know

Also, I dunno but seems like the crazy leftists at doctors without borders seem to think that there is a IP issue. They’ve made a few statements since this and are still trying to get the TRIPS waiver signed. If you know so much or have the inside scoop as to the negotiations please share what you can publicly.

NEW YORK/GENEVA, NOVEMBER 19, 2020— All governments, including the US, should support the request at the World Trade Organization (WTO) to waive certain intellectual property (IP) protections during the COVID-19 pandemic, said the international medical humanitarian organization Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF). If approved at the WTO level, the landmark request put forward by India and South Africa in October would allow all countries to choose to not grant or enforce patents on COVID-19 products, paving the way for more affordable generic versions of desperately-needed drugs, vaccines, and diagnostics. This requested IP waiver would apply to COVID-19-related patents throughout the duration of the pandemic—until global herd immunity is achieved.

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I think the outdoor guidance is you can be a solo unvaccinated person at a gathering and not mask, but with more than one unvaccinated person at a gathering you should mask. Obviously in practice we should be smart enough to know what that means will happen.

Indoor guidance for vaccinated isnt reliant on knowing whether others are vaccinated either.

This is fairly aggressive guidance vs. the rest of the world. I expected guidance would get here, but it is a fast move.

Wait, I was supposed to mask outside even when not in crowds?!?


I applied the “what do I want my kid’s classmates’ parents to do in a situation like this” standard, and am getting him tested.


Has been the rule where I lived for the last five months. The idea is just make the guidance easy so people dont have excuses for not having masks

Ok, I thought it was people being overly cautious. Shame on me for not knowing that.

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Today is my 2 weeks post 2nd dose.

The bands i want to see are mainly indie, meaning no Trump supporters. That means at least 80% of likely fans (similar to people on this site) will be fully vaccinated as of 10 days from now and close to 100% post first dose.

So, when will the shows begin?


According to statistics released by the state every Tuesday, the county’s adjusted seven-day average rate of daily new COVID-19 infections fell to 1.9 per 100,000 residents. Moving to the yellow tier requires a rate of less than 2 per 100,000.

If the county keeps the rate below 2 for another week, it will officially advance to the yellow tier. The state requires counties to meet all thresholds for two consecutive weeks before advancing to a less-restrictive tier in the blueprint.


Gavin Newsom likes this.

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He’s currently celebrating the news at French Laundry.


that’s not how i read gates’ reasoning. we all saw how a bad vaccine rollout can affect public trust of the technology and health guidelines compliance, but besides that there can be bad vaccine design, and bad batches like the j&j. imagine the anti-vaxx hysteria if the market had 20 other vaccines made with the same technological idea, but half of them turned out to be only only half as good, or worse not effective at all.

the CDC and FDA as regulatory bodies are not capable of verifying that other parties did not cut quality in the process. worse yet, even if you protect americans from bad vaccines, low-quality vaccines will get sold in other countries. the IP issue sounds like it’s all about money, but it’s also likely that adverse effects will occur and hurt public trust for a long time.