COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

sigh The whole “I’m a moron that exposed my children to a deadly disease, but good news they didn’t die which proves it’s no big deal” is a astonishingly bad yet popular hot take.

Most likely just a more likely case for (mild) side effects. Must be tens of millions worldwide who are unaware they had it and have since had the vaccine

I’ve gotten pneumonia from flu twice and had to be hospitalized once. So this virus scared the everloving shit out of me.

Tomorrow i’m 2 weeks into my second jab so I’m thankful the threat is mostly over for me, seemingly so anyway.


Jab 1: nothing

Jab 2: like a medium hangover that I got over today


well knock a point or so off the estimated vaccine uptake.

The subhead of the NY Times story said “The U.S. death rate in 2020 was the highest above normal since the early 1900s — even surpassing the calamity of the 1918 flu pandemic.”

I think a normal brained person sees that and thinks it means Covid-19 has been worse than the 1918 flu. I say that because I am a normal brain and I thought that’s what it meant even though I was sure that couldn’t be right.

I do understand your other points. Rather than say the story wasn’t that interesting I should have said, it’s a hell of a lot more interesting if you think it means what I thought it meant at first.

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Eh, I’m pretty low-key and because of that I neither make good nor bad poster lists. So I don’t worry much.

Rogan’s show has fallen off a cliff since he moved it to Austin. I used to watch it if the guest was interesting but now even those are unwatchable.

He used to dabble in both left and right-wing stuff but he’s gone full-on right-wing since he got his big Spotify contract. Now he mostly has ex-military on the show and talks about the same 3-4 topics every time.

I’m not aware of good data to suggest that you need to. I’ve had a lot of friends who have had covid who went on to get the shot. They all just had a reaction to the first shot like it was a second. The official rec is that you don’t need to either.

While we have pretty damn good data showing repeat infections are rare, the vaccine has the gold standard RCT behind it. That data is stronger.

I’m not aware of any specific harm you’re risking beyond the ones everyone has.

In most cases, the only risk of getting vaccinated after having had covid is a worse reaction from the first shot that still goes away after a day. It’s better protection for you even if you’ve been sick, so I wouldn’t want to put an extra step between someone and getting them vaccinated.

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New CDC guidance: masks no longer recommended for vaxxed people at outdoor gatherings like restaurants. Still recommended for concerts.

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Last I heard the official rec was to get the vaccine even if you think you’ve already been exposed to COVID.

I mean, it’s not impossible or even all that unlikely that you’ve had it, but yeah, it’s probably just this.

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You seem to be implying that headline is misleading or wrong, and it’s not. Also, I think you could make a solid argument that covid has been worse than the 1918 flu based on how modern medicine and public health would have been able to greatly affect the outcome of the flu outbreak. I’m not sure I’d agree but it’s a logically consistent argument.

Joe Rogan’s downfall legit makes me sad. He was a lot of fun 7-8 years ago. Now he’s a complete idiot who makes the world worse every day.


Maybe you just got better at recognizing idiots.


Why not both? His show was very different back then, so it could be that he was always this bad, but I think it’s just that he used to know he was dumb and just had fun with silly guests. Now he thinks he’s smart. That’s a problem.

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My 12 year-old started going back to school two days per week a few weeks ago. This morning he told me his stomach hurts and he’s had diarrhea for about a week. Having an “iffy” stomach is not new for him, he’s lactose intolerant and eats a ton of crap.

Get him tested or nah?

I saw on the Joe Rogan program that kids can’t really spread it.


It was a mistake to give him attention just for being an entertaining buffoon.

I guess it’s kinda complex, which leads to conspiracies about patents and bill gates or whatever to fill in the gaps. I’m pretty anti patent generally (highly anti among people who know something about patents) and am for preventing any covid related patent restrictions (which i believe has effectively been done).

Anyway, patents are not self executing. If India can’t manufacture the vaccine, it’s because India can’t manufacture the vaccine. Keep in mind that India’s run by a much more powerful (due to weakness of institutions and strength of hinduism) and worse version of donald trump.

In fact, as i understand it India’s big issue is the ability to manufacture complex mRNA type vaccines, which is a whole different deal than just mixing big batches of “standard” chemicals, which is the speciality of India’s vaccine infrastructure. Leading Indian-born doctors claiming that prevention measures are harmful is also quite bad and likely has at least some influence on indian thinking.

I mean kudos for the work you put into arguing your side, but I suspect it would have been better used learning about the subject.

As a general rule, if your understanding of a domain leads to the same “bill gates is out to get humanity because he’s greedy” as your basic right wing nut job then you might want to be more, rather than less, skeptical about your ideas.

Otherwise you start creeping up to thinking of people like naomi klein, glenn greenwald, and other know nothing “leftists” who complain the world isn’t perfect without making any real effort to understand it.

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