COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

If you want to dunk on some stupid ass fucks from Stanford and other ‘big time schools’

When A/C weather fully kicks in Florida, Texas and Arizona may have a reprisal of their turn leading the pack last summer.

Fun fact: Most of the residents of Great Barrington were extraordinarily displeased when their town was associated with The Great Barrington Declaration.


His reasoning is ridiculous. Like what gives that mother fucker the authority to determine if India is capable of making the vaccines? When they’re the #1 vaccine producer in the world?

Seriously what’s his expertise? He has none. Only reason people listen is because he’s disgustingly rich. How about he defer to I don’t know, actual experts in the field.

Also regarding bill gates and his wealth, he said he might have to vote for trump if Warren won the primary and get wealth tax was on the table. So it clearly matters to him.

But nah he’s not trying to protect his wealth lol


If you think that bill gates has prevented the #4 in the world vaccine maker from making covid vaccines you’re just not informed on the topic. Gates reasoning, already posted itt, has a legitimate point.

Finally, it has nothing to do with his wealth. He’s not making his wealth on covid vaccines.

You’re letting what’s a perfectly fair hatred of big pharma cloud your judgment.

Ok so from my understanding Indian can’t produce the Oxford vaccine because of IP laws. IP laws gates made sure stayed in place. Where am I misinformed on that?

He’s worried about international IP law in general and doesn’t want the precedent.

Finally it’s not my hate of big pharma. It’s my hate of disgustingly rich people shaping the world how they want because of their wealth.

Seriously, what expertise does gates have to dictate whether vaccines should be open source?

Not sure If you saw the Rand study but gates did the same shit with education, threw his money around, and studies have showed his influence on education was massive and a horrible, horrible failure which hurt education in this country a lot.

For what it’s worth I was a big gates defender until recently. My eyes have been opened though. He’d just another scum bag billionaire with a god complex. Yeah he does more good than most but he still sucks. He should just give his money to good causes and stop trying to act like he’s an expert in everything


Also I heard his interview on sky news and his reasoning was basically nobody else can make these vaccines, just USA #1 it would be a big risk to let others try. He also cited Johnson and Johnson as an example which is super lol

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In the era of COVID-19, this family-run private company has helped fuel India’s vaccine-producing strength. By April, Serum says it will ramp up production of the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine to 100 million doses per month. It’s also working to develop other coronavirus vaccines of its own.

I’m trying to be nice, but the fundamental assumption your entire position is built on is super wrong.

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same guy. i’m sure he can’t do any harm.

Jay Bhattacharya (born 1968 in Kolkata, India) is a professor of medicine at Stanford University and a research associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research. He directs Stanford’s Center for Demography and Economics of Health and Aging. Bhattacharya’s research focuses on the health and well-being of populations, with a particular emphasis on the role of government programs, biomedical innovation, and economics.[1][2]

Jay Bhattacharya, Michael Schoenbaum, Mark Spranca, Neeraj Sood. “United States Patent 7,426,474 Health Cost and Flexible Spending Account Calculator”, Sep 16, 2008

I can tell you this is a BS invalid patent without even looking at it. Also, he needs to lrn2cite.

You have a habit of not providing cites for some of the wilder things you post. It looks like this gem is from a hit piece in Gizmodo. Bill Gates Doesn't Rule Out Voting For Trump If Democrats Make Him Pay Too Much in Taxes

It strikes me as odd that you would claim the motivation for someone who will end up giving away the most money in history is “trying to protect his wealth.”

“If I had to pay $20 billion, it’s fine,” Gates said at the New York Times DealBook conference yesterday when discussing a possible wealth tax. “But when you say I should pay $100 billion, then I’m starting to do a little math about what I have left over.”

The crowd laughed before Gates said, “Sorry, I’m just kidding.”

StimAbusers posts on vaccines, IP, medicine, international trade, and science are typically shallow bullshit.

They’re being forged in the CR too. Ain’t just America.

I saw fake covid passports / immunization records for sale online weeks (months?) before the vaccine existed. Doctor note exemptions too.

From the GOP insanity thread:

Just a matter of the time before a mask wearer gets shot with a stand your ground claim.

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Tucker Carlson makes me think NotBruceZ might have some good ideas.


Researchers in Spain have found “no sign” of higher levels of infection among people who took part in a large test concert last month.

Six people tested positive within 14 days of attending the gig in Barcelona, but the incidence was lower than that seen in the general population.

Around 5,000 music fans took part in the experiment after testing negative for Covid-19.

Revellers wore masks but did not have to socially distance.

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Would be good to know at bit more as the article is a bit sparse … in particular were the crowd tested and only negs allowed through? - that would have a big impact on how to interpret the numbers and how people may have behaved leading up to the event for example.

Looking forward to the summer.

edit: missed the “Around 5,000 music fans took part in the experiment after testing negative for Covid-19” part

The second claim might be close to true but the first claim, that Florida has the highest new covid case rate is…not.

It might have been true for that particular day. Worldometer had Florida second at +3,513 cases, just behind Michigan’s +3,540, and since different reporting sites can sometimes be a day out of phase, that might have made up the difference.