COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

Looks like the CDC is recommending full masking and distancing for summer camps. Tomorrow it looks like they are expected to materially weaken outdoor masking recommendations including for the unvaccinated.

Although the AstraZeneca jab is widely used around the world, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not yet authorised it.

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Would you support or oppose your state issuing printed or digital certificates that people can use to show businesses, employers and schools that they have been vaccinated?
  • Yes
  • No
  • Donā€™t know / Unsure
0 voters
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Iā€™m not American, but donā€™t you guys already get vaccination cards when you get your shots?

How do you prove you are vaccinated to get on a flight going forward?

Assholes are already forging them because of course they are, lol america


I mean just look at this shit, we are hopeless

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They explicitly will not be, at least not mandatorily.

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Some double-vaccinated have died but it is a tiny number. Yes, the trials showed that the vaccines reduced the severity of covid.

Silly goose

I mean, they canā€™t even spell center correctly, so not shocking.


Fucking school canā€™t even spell ā€œCenterā€ correctly. Probably 40g a semester.

Stupid pony


So President Biden and Trump couldnā€™t visit the school. Which camp are these people in? Just general crazy?

Holy shit, literally by seconds. And I mean seconds. Yours appeared at the same time as mine on my screen.

Yeah that is going to be a huge disaster then.

Why is Bill Gates against releasing the vaccine IP?

His wealth is dependent upon enforcement of IP laws. Itā€™s gonna be damn near impossible for old Billy to come to grips with eschewing the sanctity of IP when his 12-figure net worth depends upon it.


No, itā€™s not. Heā€™s crazy wealthy regardless of any changes to IP. Bill has a stated reason why, and itā€™s quite practical and already posted multiple times in this thread.

Without IP Gatesā€™ stake in Microsoft is worth far less. Iā€™m sure heā€™s diversified his portfolio.

Iā€™ll agree with you that Gates has given reasons for why he is against releasing the IP. I donā€™t find his reasons as convincing as you do.

Iā€™ll share another difference that you and I have, based upon whatā€™s been posted ITT. I take statements made by the Chamber of Commerce with a huge grain of salt.