COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

FWIW also seems like, at least anecdotally, the deaths after vaccine skew heavily towards the elderly. Would make sense given what we know about vaccinations and the elderly.

Could be on other immunity crushing meds, too.

I have seen one. Guy was being admitted for a diabetic foot wound. Swab was positive (every admitted patient gets swabbed). He had gotten fully vaccinated >1 month ago. Had no symptoms.


From what I’ve heard, people who’ve recovered from COVID can continue to test positive for many more weeks. In theory, could that explain your guy and similar cases - the unknowingly had COVID prior to being vaccinated?

Big asterisk here is that the survey was conducted before the ban was lifted, so we’ll have to wait and see how bad the long-term damage is.

Not even trying to hide it.


Unlikely, but possible.

Had somebody in the Czech Republic facing eight years in prison for doing the same thing in numerous places before finally getting caught. Can’t find if she ended up getting imprisoned after all.

“India’s lovely this time of Pandemic”


This Olympics thing.

I am sure all the Athletes will be vacced preventing a massive super spreader event in Olympic Village. :joy::joy::joy:

Obviously you go home and leave wife quarantined with the kids.

“I am putting more patients in their 20s and 30s and 40s on oxygen and on life support than at any other time in this pandemic,” said Dr. Erin Brennan, an emergency room physician in Detroit.

the “opening” plans I’ve seen all depend on proof of vaccination, doesn’t seem like anything will be approved for that age group by the summer

I think you’ll find that even the vaccinated will require negative test prior to flying internationally and for EU entry, assuming US drops it’s side of the non-essential travel ban on UK / EU too. I’d imagine the kids would need just the negative test, adults ‘proof’ of vaccination with negative test 3 days before arrival in EU and maybe on entry too.

Walked by some international gates in MSP last week and they were doing rapid testing at the gate for flights to Rome and Amsterdam. I don’t know if that’s standard everywhere, I haven’t been spending much time in airports.

Dozens of countries with wildly differing infection rates. Chose wisely, but let me put it this way - we cancelled a holiday in Rhodes last year and won’t be rebooking it this year, and that’s with much shorter flights than yours.

Quick survey: which adjective would you use to describe an American guy who went to India a few weeks ago, had a wedding, flew back into NY a few days ago, stopped to get bagels on the way home to MA, and now him and his wife are both pozzed?




Damn everyone in this thread knows someone going to a wedding in India? I think someone else is the thread yesterday mentioned a guy stuck there now because he got covid while going for a wedding lol


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