COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

Yeah, if the patient is identifiable from the details, that’s not kosher.

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She’s tweeted what city she’s working on, so it would not be hard to scan obituaries in the area for a dead 14 year old girl.

Did find these tweets in her feed.

The two bottom lines are (1) approximately, the young people don’t really matter to the aggregate measurements, and (2) almost all the people who are driving the measurements are vaccinated. But that also means that small decreases in the efficacy rate for that group are leveraged into big increases in hospitalizations. The difference between a vaccine that’s 95% effective against hospitalization for older people and one that’s 85% effective is something close to a 3x jump in hospitalizations.

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Wait what?


That’s just bad.

My first thought is that these people are idiots who <3 Trump. Then, you realize that they probably should be hospitalized but can’t be because there’s no room and so they’re desperate enough to treat their problems with cow deworming medicine.

Absolutely a hipaa violation. Also medical nonsense. Believing in firstnamebunchofnumbers on Twitter is not a good idea.

That weird doctor recommended ivermectin. Some group called frontline doctors. Been gaining steam for a few weeks. Total bullshit.


It’s been gaining steam a lot longer than that. I have a friend in NZ who is totally down the rabbit hole on it and convinced it works, so I know a lot about it. The evidence that it works is not zero, but there aren’t any large RCTs showing an effect and there’s no plausible mechanism of action. It was shown to inhibit sars-cov-2 replication in vitro but the amounts required were beyond what it is possible to even achieve in vivo.

Yeah, if you take enough of it, I can pretty much guarantee that it’ll stop viral replication. You won’t like the side effects, though.


“You know, please work with your doctor. This is medical treatment. You wouldn’t get your chemotherapy at a feed store,” the state health officer said.

Most of the parasite meds are pretty strong stuff. Aren’t they recommending doses that are more appropriate for horses?

Just saw this

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The joke was that you can totally block viral replication by killing the person.


But does it own the libs?


Rogan did a podcast that portrayed Ivermectin as so magically effective that its lack of use could only be explained by conspiracy.

Because of course.


Are we gonna need for Killer Mike to do a follow up, I’m Glad Rogan’s Dead?


I’m pretty sure I heard the ivermectin bs at least a year ago.


To be fair. I ignored him because it’s too much. Then being right once doesn’t change that

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you’re correct, there’s been a whole big to do about it. A judge forced hospitals to use it awhile back. It’s failed every serious trial.

Imagine thinking the hidden cure for COVID is at Tractor Supply.