COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

i used to dial into webcommerce oncall conf calls to watch the world burn. nowadays i just open a couple of links and am plugged into far more mysery. #wattba

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A sense of perspective is important. Even with the alarming news about fading immunity these vaccines are still working tremendously well even against the delta variant. And they were produced in record time. My mom was all but convinced it wouldn’t be possible with a coronavirus. Obviously the big wild card is how future mutations will impact vaccine effectiveness.

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Yeah completely fair. Travel industry is going to have to morph to more flexibility and conferences just seem like a bad idea still.

Credit to Florida for finding new and unique ways to fuck up their residents with covid related disasters.


TBF, the “pros” don’t do a good job of explaining this shit when they are given a microphone. But yeah, this is the sort of thing that if you did figure it out independently, you should definitely think “surely one of these dipshits with a nobel prize already figured this out” and do a little checking around.


Orlando is that city with a bunch of theme parks, right?

I have to wonder what percentage of Orlando water usage is residential.

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Good question:

Lotta twitter comments saying that Disney’s water supply is separate from Orlando’s. Regardless, though, Disney should be chipping in water and/or oxygen and/or other water treatment strategies as best they can.

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Can parents really insist a 14-year-old not be intubated? Or maybe they told her to tell the doctor she didn’t want it?

As of this morning 200 million Americans (or 60.4% of the total population) have a least one dose. So whoever guessed between 60% and 70% by September 1st got it right.

If we all pull together and make some personal sacrifices, we can save some lives!

How long until


To own the libs

The terrible people die thread is definitely getting bumped if Wakefield croaks

it’s already happening

I’m pretty sure there is some sort of legal process for getting a different decision maker if it seems like the parents aren’t acting in the kid’s best interest. But it seems not that fast and I have no idea how that logistically works when you just meet the family, the kid needs urgent intubation, and they say no.

You say fuck you and do it.

Would have been saved with intubation though is nonsense. Wouldnt believe a DM article at all about the details.

I guess it’s your job not to be an asshole, but it must have taken at least a bit of restraint to give her a “O RLY, then why didn’t you get it months ago”.


That’s what I would have guessed. That’s the only thing that makes sense. Presumably there may be some legal shit to deal with after the fact. But if it’s clear cut, then there should not be much to worry about.

I didn’t read the link. I was just considering the general case of idiot parents refusing life-saving treatment.

The article is basically regurgitating what someone identifying as an ICU nurse practitioner said on Twitter.

Is revealing such details on social media a violation of ethics concerning medical privacy? I’m pretty sure that if I cared to, I could figure out the name of the girl who died.