COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

Come on, crab. Humility is great and all, but there is no way you are anywhere near the average person.


Whew Iā€™ve been sweating it all morning, Iā€™ve had that same dry cough and scratchy throat I had back at the end of January when I was pozzed but looks like we good for now


This is truly incredible. 51%. Itā€™s a free, potentially life saving, completely painless thing. And yet.

#TeamNeg. Got my test results back, too. Just a cold apparently, but still sucks that you have to worry about killing people even when itā€™s probably just a cold.


It might just be that it works better as a three shot vaccine rather than the start of a booster cycle.

Try and stay optimistic. When this hit there were papers in nature showing basically COVID waves lasting for many many years or the potential for real end of society stuff if vaccine development failed. Now we are relatively safe and thereā€™s definitely routes where we are mostly back to normal in only a few years.

Co-worker has got a nasty cold, test came back neg. Probably just a bad conventional bug going around.

Huh. Makes you wonder if there is selective pressure on rhinoviruses et al. And there is the theory that immune systems are less active due to low exposure.

(Total speculation, would take a lot of data to prove either).

This approach sounds good and I guess it works fine for things like, ā€œshould I see a matinee movie tomorrowā€, or ā€œshould I dine in or get this order to goā€, but the decisions Iā€™m having a hard time with are, ā€œshould I buy tickets to fly to see my brother at Thanksgivingā€, or ā€œshould I pay the nonrefundable fee to attend this conference in March?ā€ Not every life decision can be made on a day by day or week by week basis, and I am finding some real costs to having to think like that. I just feelā€¦ stuck, I guess.

[I know, I know, viruses DGAF about our plans, so I need to just deal with it, but I suppose Iā€™m feeling kinda mopey today.]



The other thing about the Simpsonā€™s Paradox argument is that it rests on the fact that the overall hospitalization numbers are mostly driven by the elderly, which also implies that relatively small diminutions in vaccine efficacy are still a really big deal.

Yup, just gave that test to one of my kids today. Negative, but weā€™re supposed to do another one within three days, so Iā€™ll do it Sunday. Heā€™s had cold symptoms (stuffy/runny nose, sore throat) and it got to the point where he needed to stay home from school today. Wasnā€™t about to sit in a four-hour drive through line again, so I found a Walgreens with some at-home test kits.

Hopefully I administered the test properly, but he was uncomfortable during it, so I was probably doing it right.

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Can you expand on what you mean but this exactly?

I got vaccinated. Iā€™ll take the booster. Iā€™ll mask up. Iā€™ll avoid indoor dining. Iā€™ll wear an N95 if you want. But Iā€™m not shaving my beard and spiraling into a black depression every time I look in the mirror and see Mitch McConnell staring back at me.


Good news, everyone!

And when you get dysentery from the bad water, the hospital wonā€™t have room for you. Thank you for not wearing a mask to own the libs!


My first thought wasā€¦ this cannot be true. I havenā€™t come up with a second thought yet. wtf, man.

This appears to be a local news guy reporting on what the mayor of Orlando is saying right now, so Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s true.

Yeah. Still, though. Wow.

Weā€™re all negative. Fuck yea.

Also I want to give credit for the past few couple hundred posts of this thread being especially welcoming and collegial. I know I heard - and reported - a number of complaints about this being kind of an unwelcoming place, but it seems like everyone ITT is making a deliberate effort. Credit where credit is due. Youā€™re all awesome.


Cascading failure is so awesome.

You better hope McConnell doesnā€™t grow a beard.