COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun



Excellent gimmick




Finally a gimmick I can get behind.

This seems like extremely good news:

Man this is gonna get a lot of use over the next year or two.

We’re back up to between 500k - a million doses a day, but even that pace is unacceptable, right? This just feels hopeless, a third of the country is never getting jabbed.

I really think kids are the key. Once kids are vaccinated, then there figures to be a massive geographic disparity between vaccinated and unvaccinated areas, and there can be further pressure on red areas of blue states via mandating shots for school. It’ll be so much easier for vaccinated people to isolate themselves in vaccinated cohorts.

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Watching local news. School districts trying to decide mask mandates or not. Effing ridiculous. Should be decided by the CDC.

CDC already recommends universal masking in schools, no? Only the school districts can enforce it, and I assume that’s what all these decisions come down to - whether the will exists or not to stand up against the deplorables.

I dunno. I drove by a sign the other day that said “Trust the science, not the CDC”

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It’s the choice on the part of the local yokels is my problem.

No. It was a concern back when vaccines were in development. ADE was observed during animal trials for vaccine candidates for the original SARS. We have way too much data on the vaccines now for this to be a thing.

The main reason I’m posting is that I can show you where this particular lineage of covidiot Chinese Whispers comes from:

By “released a study” he means Walensky said this while addressing the press. And what she meant by “increased risk of severe disease among those vaccinated early” is IN COMPARISON to those vaccinated later. In other words, this is a restatement of the idea that vaccines probably show declining efficacy over time. No mention of ADE by the CDC, that’s an invention by this moron who claims to be the inventor of mRNA vaccines and is a minor celebrity among the covidiot crowd.


I bet they had some choice Yootoob links.

LOL nice, weird given kids can’t get vaccinated here.

Yep. It’s all about the shorties.

The Regeneron Gambit is going well

Just saw a customer of mine who works in the medical industry is in the hospital with COVID backtracking on his YouTube video claims of the hoax and vaccine lmao.





BREAKING: Facing legal setbacks, Texas drops enforcement of school mask mandate ban.


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