COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

I have masks that show my facial expressions that I wear since that’s the big objection. They don’t seal all that well and they get too hot and a little gross, so I sometimes remove it. I do put on a KN95 when I walk around the room to observe their work, but four hours in a room is a long time even if I’m not that close to them.

I get to hear a lot of deplorables opine on COVID while I’m at work. Yesterday it was the guy who has had COVID twice. His wife almost died from it and was in the ICU for a while. “I didn’t want the vaccine cause I don’t believe in it. Wife made me get it after she was in the hospital but I still dont believe in it”.

Science is like a damn fairy tale to these idiots. They are literally children incapable of making responsible decisions.

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Had to google the lawsuit to see who you meant. I was thinking of the Plaintiff in that suit. I used to teach for one of their competitors who I’m pretty sure he also sued for stealing curriculum materials.

I actually really miss it - I loved teaching that age group, and LSAT stuff is SO fucking applicable to just evaluating arguments in day to day life. I ended up getting a lawyer job that had hours that conflicted with 6-10 PM classes on weeknights so I had to quit. I still get a bunch of inquiries on Reddit from people who want private tutoring, but it’s been a few years and I’d need to knock off some rust before I felt comfortable charging people for it.

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Shouldn’t be surprising that there are law suits flying around the LSAT prep industry.


Didn’t pray hard enough.

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This is in line with the articles I read, except none of them completely ruled it out for the covid vaccines saying there is a small chance that ADE could occur

After reading the ADE problems with some of the first vaccine attempts for other viruses in the 60’s I at least get why some are hesitant to get this one. I’m not an anti vaxxer (I’ve been vaxxed) and do trust in science. But I don’t trust government or organizations to be completely honest with the public. It would really suck if all us early vaxxers end up allowing the pathogen to bind in a way that infectst us in a stronger more deadlier way down the road.

I’m talking out of my ass because I’m not a doctor or expert in viruses. Seems like if everyone just took the damn vaccine to stop the spread we’d be well on our way to curbing this thing. But that’s not the case and we’re going to be dealing with this for years to come and it seems to me it’s going to just continue mutating into deadlier strains

The LSAT should work like ELO rankings: if you defeat someone in court, your LSAT score goes up and theirs goes down.


So I guess this is a new thing going around the derposphere today. What day the Ozzys on here? Certainly this would be big news down under!

WSU will get the mandated shot(s)


Refreshing to see Biden try to do something, even if the court ends up knocking it down.

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lol fuck that guy

Ohhh, this is a good one:

quote summing up this idiot:

He told the publication that while “they’re good people” he doesn’t believe hospitals “have your best interests at heart” because they follow a scientific approach to COVID-19, which he thinks constrains personal freedoms.

Doesn’t trust hospitals, but goes to one in order to survive Covid. Not sure how the guy can walk with his body twisted into that kind of knot.

Re detecting types of antibodies. There is a type of AB produced by natural infection that isnt present in vax only immunity.

Completely second the idea that it requires significant effort to properly control such studies.

The point is not that can it be done, but was it done and interpreted competently by the researchers.

94% in the UK would indicate massive breakthrough infections not observed elsewhere. Something else is different about the data sets. Patience.

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He should have been more careful what he put in his body, IMO. Any big thoughts and prayers.

My friend got discharged from the ICU yesterday. :tada: Still dealing with some low oxygen at times, fatigue, brain fog, lack of strength etc. but all expected to get better with time. He said he went to CVS today and fell over trying to get something off the bottom shelf and had to crawl back to his feet.

I’m trying to be supportive and happy that he’s home, but can’t help to think “why the fuck are you going into CVS right now?”


Getting jabbed?

Maybe he needed a 3 meter long receipt.



Chip off the old (headstone) block

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