COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

Assuming that breakthrough cases are a very small portion of cases, which is true, then not really. More importantly, viral load isn’t a measurement of how transmissible the virus is, so your point doesn’t really apply to this report even if it was a higher percentage.

Yes but I think you really need a full PCR test to be sure. Some of the antibody testing seems unreliable.

He plagiarized George Carlin.

Related, perhaps stupid question: can they differentiate between vaccine-related antibodies and antibodies related to an infection? Like, would they be able to tell if I, a fully vaccinated person, had COVID and recovered?

That’s interesting. I fired up the Google machine and the first four results I got for “viral load transmission probability covid” were:

none of those things contradict what I’ve said whatsoever.

A covidiot told me that the CDC quietly released a study showing that ADE is now a concern for vaccinated individuals. I don’t believe a word this guy says, but I looked it up and apparently it’s a thing with dengue virus and also was in the beginning with polio, measles, and other first vaccines

I couldn’t find anything released by the CDC on this, but is it possible this is a legit concern?


edit after finding out what it is: no, not legit.

Don’t think there’s any way to tell the difference.

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This is the first Google result I found. I may need to do more research on YouTube or Parler, however.

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This is possible, well within the grasp of a careful scientist, but it requires validation. Anyone claims about testing for covid 19 antibodies should be met with demands for extensive positive and negative controls.

This is practically impossible. About the only way I could imagine doing it is if a strain subsequently comes along that has some sort of mutation in the spike protein that mRNA-vaccine-derived antibodies will not bind but that the post-infection immune response antibodies would bind, you could plausibly check for that. In general, though, you may have multiple antibodies in your arsenal that bind to different parts of the spike protein (so you may have some subset of your antibodies that bind the mutant spike protein even if the mutation breaks the binding of others), and your antibodies aren’t necessarily the same as my antibodies, even if we both got the same vaccine. There’s a lot of randomness that goes into antibody generation, and your immune system preserves anything that works. So, an experiment to test for antibodies from the mutant couldn’t just test a binary bind/does not bind. It would have to test binding at the site of the mutation in particular, and that’s a lot harder to do. It’s totally impractical for some sort of mass-market test.

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Judging by my facebook this is the new thing going around in the derposphere. I argued with a couple people trying to claim the partially vaccinated are actually dying from Covid not in spite of their partial vaccination, but because of it.

Last time I got into it with a guy he shared what appeared to be a legitimate paper from April of 2020 speculating about the possibility of pathogen priming, but the fact checks I found said we know now that it’s not happening with Covid vaccines because we would have seen evidence of such an effect.

Edit: Meant to reply to Cactus.

Mississippi Senator Pozzed.


Great, I’ll get right on ordering this oh wait it functionally isn’t available. Regardless, the shot at me is wholly unnecessary, again.


Time for the special Regeneron treatment…

C’mon, this cheap shot wasn’t necessary. I appreciate the info on antibodies, I didn’t know this capability was a thing.

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I am teaching in Miami. Four of my 22 students have been out with covid-- three confirmed, one who tested negative multiple times but who was sick and her husband had a confirmed case at the same time. All sit in the same section of class, but class is four hours long so everyone likely exposed. One student was in the hospital for twelve days and just returned.

In addition to this, the sub-50 wife on an old school 2p2er just passed and one of my virtual tutoring students has a father in the hospital and in bad shape-- entirely Republican family.

Company does not allow me to wear a mask and has completely ditched the idea of rooms big enough for social distancing. Two students wear masks regularly. My guess would be under 50% vax rate in class because FL insanity, sample of people who sign up for an in-person class, and age-related ambivalence for a group that is almost entirely under 25.

We had 11 people present yesterday so I would not be surprised if there were other covid cases that didn’t tell me. Attrition halfway through is normal for the class, but 50% is low, although it could be because a few people returned to college.

Regretting my life decisions at this point, hoping Pfizer holds one time. I would say I’ve almost surely been exposed to Delta at this point, but then again there are tons of morons who haven’t changed their lives one bit who didn’t get it for eighteen months, so who knows.

Good luck opening for school USA.


Are you an LSAT teacher? I know you mentioned your boss takes them when they come out, so I assume it’s some kind of test prep, and there’s one specific test prep guy I’m thinking of who brags about how many perfect LSAT scores he gets.

Lol fuck that. I’d do something super obnoxious on my way out the door and would never look back.


Yes, although there are at least two who brag about that, and the one who was telling the truth sued the one who was lying lol.

I’ve actually posted a fair amount about how crummy my boss is. In some ways, he’s great. But he is a legitimate sociopath who mainlines Fox News despite being capable of getting a perfect score on the LSAT. He’s all in on Chinese lab theory and insists that if people wash their hands they won’t get covid.