COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

I remember a guy on UK Big Brother from like 20 years ago was named Science.

Maybe they know him?

Oh man, the person has a GoFundMe lol. I’m never getting paid again.

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Why no condom on that meme


Yes, the reduction in deaths is brilliant, but the spectre of hospitals becoming overwhelmed with covid patients still looms because (despite what someone here said) infections have been rising for two weeks (not long after lockdown ended in fact).

Ontario MPP Rick Nicholls removed from Progressive Conservative caucus over refusal to take COVID-19 shot - The Globe and Mail.

An Ontario legislator who refused to get vaccinated against COVID-19 was removed from the governing Progressive Conservative caucus on Thursday.

Premier Doug Ford defended the party’s decision to oust Rick Nicholls, saying elected officials must “lead by example” on vaccination.

Mr. Ford said Mr. Nicholls, who represents Chatham-Kent-Leamington, also won’t be permitted to seek re-election as a Tory candidate after he “failed to provide a legitimate reason” for not getting vaccinated.

“It is my expectation that every PC caucus member and candidate not only support the role vaccines play in the fight against COVID-19, but also be vaccinated to protect themselves and the people in their community,” Mr. Ford said in a statement.

Ford is a right wing populist.


Is UK having trouble getting more people fully vaccinated or do they have a ton of anti vaxxxers too?

There have been antt-vax demos by the usual suspects and there are concerns about the falling rate of vaccinations now - it looks as if most adults who will get vaxxed have done so, which is a big worry.

So… as usual not as bad as the US wrt deplorables and conspiracy theorists etc but not that far off.

That might make a decent epitaph when we’re all dead.


Remote learning is not an option this year, because of new state guidelines

What the hell?


187 of 560 kids out due to illness… jesus.

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Glad it’s so rare that kids get sick. These 16 are just a statistic. Fuck em.

They had a whole year of remote learning to practice and get used to it and then they made a law against using it for even things like snow days?


No. Murder.

Bad news for team we’re all gonna fucking die.

(Did I do that right?)


Should hopefully allow us to produce a better vaccine eventually that will make herd immunity practical again. Or we will reach herd immunity from everybody getting naturally infected but most surviving with few complications due to current vaccines.


Not team we’re all going to fucking die. Team many are fucking dying due to collective stupidity.

It really is a math problem of how much area is under the curve from acute pandemic to endemic disease. Collective mass immunity via vaccination. Masking….

Sadly infection running wild may get us to endemic faster, but at a substantially higher death total overall.

Vaccinations alone can help life go back to normal in the US. But they’re not going to stop covid from being endemic around the globe, as you’re never going to vaccinate every last population.

I’m all for bashing the unvaccinated. But “better wear an N-95 to go golfing even if you’re vaccinated” is where I start to wonder what the point is. If it’s that contagious and immunity wears off that fast, we might as well all just catch this thing while we still have protection from the vaccine.

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I posted this above, seems like good long-term news.

I think your post is about SARS-I and vaccines. Mine is about if you previously got sick with SARS-II (covid)

I read this the other day, which clearly states something I’ve been trying to put into words for a while:

It’s a fact of life that we hold ideas we would like to believe to a lower standard of proof than ideas we would like to disbelieve. In the former case we ask “Am I allowed to believe it?” and in the latter case we ask “Am I forced to believe it?”

We all do this. Every minute of every day. People who think they don’t are deluding themselves. The best you can do is try to be aware of it imo.

I want to be an optimist about covid. I hold negative news to a much higher standard of proof. It’s a bias. I think some itt are also biased the other way.