COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

Inslee has to be number 1 pick in a current gov draft.

I worked with one of insleeā€™s kids for a few years. One of the nicest people I have ever met. Raised a good person at least.


It is pretty impressive for someone powerful to have grounded kids, although I also had a friend of mine who was friends with Chelsea Clinton at Stanford and said she was pretty cool, too. So, maybe like most people, itā€™s up in the air just how far from the tree the apple falls.

he really angered indigenous nations recently with a veto on a part of a climate bill. not clear if he was really forced to, because the language essentially undermined state elected power to implement parts of what was already passed into law. like, thereā€™s a bunch of dams that need replacements, and most tribes only want them gone, and the provision would give tribal representatives a way to indefinitely block some stuff.

anyways, most of his politics are good, but itā€™s still obviously a state run by the privileged.

Apparently all the UNC students drink from the same fountain to start the school year, fucking idiots.

Since youā€™re putting me on blast, the following article describes what I was getting at. There is certainly a lot more to immunity than antibody count alone, which is what a lot of articles have been misleadingly focused on:

It is absolutely true that there is more to the immune system than just antibodies alone, and it is also true that weā€™re seeing more durable and robust immunity than you might expect from a lot of these media reports of declining antibody count.

This is not to say there wonā€™t be booster shots down the line, especially as new variants pop up. As wookie has demonstrated, no one here has said boosters wonā€™t be an important thing.

7 posts were merged into an existing topic: Bickering about old drama

Folks. Ive moved most of the last run of posts to the bickering thread. Keep that shit out of here.

@Vict0ar consider this an explicit ā€œknock it offā€. You might not agree with it, but i see a consensus that this thread should have higher content, be drama free, and place value on actual medical opinions. Dont reply here. Take it to PMs. About Moderation. Or the bickering thread.



So dumb.

More bad news for hopes of herd immunity

Fully vaccinated adults can harbour virus levels as high as unvaccinated people if infected with the Delta variant, according to a sweeping analysis of UK data, which supports the idea that hitting the threshold for herd immunity is unlikely.

There is abundant evidence that Covid vaccines in the UK continue to offer significant protection against hospitalisations and death. But this new analysis shows that although being fully vaccinated means the risk of getting infected is lower, once infected by Delta a person can carry similar virus levels as unvaccinated people.

In line with the other studies. Can match the virus level of the unvaxxed, but goes down much faster so should be contagious for less time. Doubt herd immunity to COViD is a thing, personally.

I feel like ā€œcan matchā€ is doing a lot of work in that excerpt. Iā€™d like to know the frequency at which breakthrough cases of Delta actually do match the viral levels of unvaccinated people.


The study, which is yet to be peer-reviewed, found vaccine performance has waned against Delta versus the previously dominant Alpha variant. [quote=ā€œJalfrezi, post:9829, topic:4761, full:trueā€]


So I read this is similar peak loads.

Your excellent point is how often. Iā€™d like to ask for how long. It really is an integrated (area under the curve) calculation.

Bottom line Iā€™d like to know what the R is for unvaxxed vs vaxxed over time. Of course anything >1 means that masking/SD measures are needed. But we should still expect


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Paper is here. They did a bunch of asymptomatic testing to find cases, which hopefully cuts down on some of the selection bias issues.

This is niche content, but thereā€™s also a pretty savage refutation of the dose-spacing hypothesis:


Yep peak loads similar but falls of faster was what this paper found

Btw also math on twitter from Eleanor Murray among others that shows r likely greater than one even at 100 percent vaccination for this gen of vaccines and delta, so we should be prepared to mitigate with masks and distancing until science finds something better.


Getting infected and then getting the vaccine seems to give the optimal protection, assuming you donā€™t die of the virus.


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Full unmasked classrooms and stadiums coming to a town near you. Yikes

Apparently Zuck claimed Covid misinfo is not to be blamed on Facebook. Sounds like someone? Richard Sackler maybe. Just as responsible IMO.

This guy takes him to task

Mike Barnacle was once a very prominent writer for the Boston Globe who got canned because he was caught plagiarizing something fairly minor I believe. Back in the days before pussy grabbing became mainstream, that was serious business. Anyway I had no idea the guy was still around. (Although wiki says heā€™s been involved in media all these years - weird that I thought he basically disappeared until now.)

Sweet. Time to go full YOLO!

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