COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

That will be the true test.

My wife’s state agency has pretty much decided that religious exemptions won’t be accepted, and medical exemptions will be allowed if there’s an end date to the exemption (just had covid, can’t get vaxxed for 90 day, difficult pregnancy, etc). Otherwise, go find a new job, derp!


Well, WA GOAT in the amount of lawnmowers going to orbit today. People will be pissed.


I’m not sure how I feel about his order tbh. On the one hand, hahahahahahahahahahahahaha, FU antivax assholes. OTOH my hospital is critically short staffed in every department including mine. I know several nurses and a couple RTs that have put in their notice and intend to take temp contracts in other states.



$3m/year or owning the libs by dying?

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Yeah, I mean, it’s a good thing, but I know the ramifications are going to fuck a lot of hospitals/nursing homes. Not sure what to do about that. Hopefully if it results in more people getting vaxxed it will mean less people in your hospital.

Friend took 6 hours to get a test today. Florida is gonna peak because testing capacity is maxed out.

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Are there any airports nearby? Some countries require a negative test with <72 hours and I’ve read that some airlines won’t even allow folks to check-in without this proof to avoid later headaches. Thus many airports have some rapid testing capacity inside the airport but outside the gates.

Below is specifically what I read and Lisbon/Euro airport(s) probably are better than the average US airport with this capacity, but it might be a way around some of the other long test waits?

Ultimately, some of the best resources I found for locating testing centers were from the airlines themselves. Delta, KLM, TAP, and United (and their various alliance partners like SkyTeam and Star Alliance) were some of the results and all had some kind of search tool. Even though I wasn’t flying TAP, as Portugal’s flag carrier I found their information to be the clearest and easiest to follow. When I was researching options for a possible trip to England, I also found that UK flag carrier British Airways]had the most comprehensive list of testing partners.

TAP has partnered with a testing provider right in the Lisbon airport, and while there’s a discount for passengers flying with TAP, the testing service is available to anyone. The undiscounted price was €25, for me well worth an extra €5 for the ease and convenience of having my rapid test done right at the airport before departure.

I sent an appointment request for the morning of my flight and received confirmation a day later. All was well.

I’m sure he is somehow exempt, like visiting athletes are exempt from NYC requirements.

He is an employee of a state institution. Sports writers say he has a deadline.

Hope your are right, just skeptical there won’t be an exemption from clouds.

File under, “I don’t know what’s in the vax”.

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The problem with tiktok is it’s algorithm is frighteningly good at tailoring your four you page to your own little bubble of information.

I don’t get a huge amount of Covid tiktoks but all of them are pro vaccine and pro mask. I get quite a few from doctors and nurses using all sorts of techniques to try and get through to people.

So I am sure the other side is equally insulated, which is a problem.


I would guess the number of nursing homes that can survive without federal funding is extremely small. For the overwhelming majority Medicaid pays most of the bills.

I was glad to see this announcement.

Didn’t this all start in Washington? Like the first US infiltration?


This Inslee bloke doesn’t sound half bad.

I never had the greatest opinion of him because the few times I’ve seen him speak I just thought he didn’t sound very bright. There is just something about his manner of speaking that gave me that impression.

But whether he is or isn’t, the dude seems to be on the correct side of most issues.


This is what happens when you take establishment gatekeepers out of the equation.

On the other hand, you can get the info you need to clearly see that the establishment gatekeepers are lying manipulative scumbag warmongers when a pointless forever war is finally ended :man_shrugging:

Yeah, he’s not great orator, but his politics are pretty decent.


Yeah, we were. But we recovered quick. Inslee put in some restrictions pretty quick and got it initially under pretty good control.

There’s nothing like driving from Olympia to Seattle in the middle of the day with no traffic.

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