COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

Hi, what do you recommend as the best source to follow the CZ-specific numbers? Thanks.

Twitter is mirroring our recent debates.

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The Czech Ministry of Health

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I think that should say “waited to get vaccinated”?

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At least 10 Covid positive patients came through my Emergency Room last night. Most went home, but one got admitted to ICU. 13 of our 14 ICU beds are occupied by Covid positive patients.


At this point, is there much anyone can do for a covid patient who doesn’t need a ventilator and isn’t rich and powerful enough to get monoclonal antibodies on demand?



I guess there’s not really that much to do.

Steroids like dexamethasone can reduce inflammation on the lungs, making them easier to expand, and support respiratory function.

It might be helpful to give BAM if someone’s early on in their symptoms, but it’s not clear that it truly helps.

Mostly we determine if they can walk around without de-satting, and if they can they go home and are told to come back if they get worse. If they can’t, then they get admitted, and we support their respiratory function with oxygen or whatever, and they either get worse or they get better.

I vastly prefer being in the Emergency Room, where we either send them home or upstairs, rather than on an inpatient floor where I’d get to know these people, or watch them deteriorate and go to ICU.

I’ve never done ICU nursing before, and I don’t think I’d ever care to.


Grunch. How do you think we got beer.


Yeah, that sounds rough. Thanks for the input, though.

I always thought it was:


Well the good news is if they can’t get it out in the next month or so they can really take their time to do it right because virtually 100 percent of under 12s will have natural immunity.

My shallow understanding is that federal funding is essential to nursing homes. I think the impact these vaccination requirements may have on employment generally is a potentially big story. Even if only 5-10% of employees end up as refuseniks, that will likely have a significant broader impact on the labor market. (Note: I’m all for the requirements.)

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Steroids, remdisivir, BAM.

Regeneron doesn’t do shit. Dexamethasone is the only one that has shown actual mortality benefit afaik, but I don’t follow this as closely as other topics.

WA State: All school employees must be vaxxed.


Gov. Jay Inslee today announced a vaccination requirement for employees working in K-12, most childcare and early learning, and higher education, as well as an expansion of the statewide mask mandate to all individuals, regardless of vaccination status. The governor was joined for the announcement by Superintendent of Public Instruction Chris Reykdal and Secretary of Health Dr. Umair A. Shah.

K -12 educators, school staff, coaches, bus drivers, school volunteers and others working in school facilities will have until October 18 to be fully vaccinated as a condition of employment. The requirement includes public, private and charter schools, and comes as schools across the state prepare to return for the 2021–2022 school year amid rapidly increasing case and hospitalization numbers. This does not impact students, regardless of age.

“It has been a long pandemic, and our students and teachers have borne their own unique burdens throughout,” Inslee said. “This virus is increasingly impacting young people, and those under the age of 12 still can’t get the vaccine for themselves. We won’t gamble with the health of our children, our educators and school staff, nor the health of the communities they serve.”

Inslee also announced a vaccine requirement for employees in Washington’s higher education institutions, as well as for most childcare and early learning providers who serve children from multiple households.

Read the rest of the story on the governor’s Medium page.



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I feel like the most effective one-question IQ test in the world is “we have assessed your IQ at 150, how credible do you find this estimate”.


Wash St head football coach is a non-vaxxer for personal reasons/choice. Will he forfeit a >$3M job for lack of a jab?