COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

It seems pretty likely the virus came from somewhere around the region, given ground zero was the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market in Wuhan, which sells fish and other animals.

Had an open house for our daughter yesterday. The teacher said they are required to wear mask almost apologetically. We both said that’s great and you won’t hear a complaint from us.

She said that is not the case for the majority of parents. She was relieved to hear that from us.

I can already see myself in a school board meeting two months from now defending the school.

I’m already preparing notes.

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My brother works for the airline. I’ll see what I can do.


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Yes. Post graph with observation, get falsely contradicted, post refutation of that. Seems std.

Hey there, I‘m a city council member. Watch what you’re saying.

But you are mostly right…

I am strangely surprised to not see my county, Polk FL, listed. those other counties must really be fucked, because the outbreak here is terrible.

I don’t know if this has been explained ITT in the past, but this (from May 2021) is one reason why it takes longer to approve the vaccine for young children:

“For many pharmaceutical agents – antibiotics and vaccines – children get the same dose as adults do. In fact, for the Pfizer vaccine that now has FDA emergency use authorization down to 12 (years old), the 12- to 15-year-olds did in fact receive the same dose as adults received – as I received as a physician,” says Dr. Michael Smith, a Duke University pediatrician and infectious disease specialist involved in the pediatric trials of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine.

“However, once we get younger than that, we have to slow things down a little bit and make sure we have the right dose that is safe for younger children and effective for younger children. So, what we are doing right now at Duke is a smaller trial in children less than 12 (years old) to make sure we find that right dose. And once we have the right dose, we will be working on the next Pfizer trial, which is a large randomized controlled trial including kids really down to 6 months.”

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Shit so it’s going to be awhile?

How dangerous can some mRNA and salt be, honestly. Just give em the adult dose imo.

I can’t tell if this is sarcasm?

From what I understand, they’ve already started on the larger trials, so they’ve figured out what dosage they want to test, but the FDA wants a larger dataset over a longer period of time, so it’s going to take longer than getting approval for an adult dosage.

From what I’ve read, they specifically want to assess whether there is an increased risk of myocarditis in children and whether there are long-term effects. They want data over a longer period of time than they required for adult trials. The lower prevalence of COVID hospitalization and death among children means that the threshold for what is considered safe is higher.

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It’s a tough effing job balancing risks particularly when one side of the equation is unknown. I think we need to think about how hard the approval job is and then add on the societal pressures (in both directions) plus politics plus bureaucracy.

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Oh good - a new contender for worst thing ever has entered the ring.


Glad I went to see Free Guy this afternoon and missed 100+ posts. (Went early, are my popcorn in an empty theater, then had my mask on for the big matinee crowd of about 25 people).

I will just add again that papers need to be assessed very critically. outlier claims require extra scrutiny. If they are correct they will hold up to scrutiny. Otherwise CoV-2 circulating around the world in various animals in 2019 should be viewed with same suspicion as cold fusion.


I think they’ve already cut some corners to speed up the timeline and I would be hesitant to advocate doing so even more for political reasons.

You didn’t already have it on the list?

Please fix the twitters oh gods of the board.


Man I’m old enough to remember when the worst things algorithms gone wild could do is crash the stock market and set a nuclear strike in motion.

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