COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

Correct, that’s all you had to do, and I’m right. Thanks Jal.

Particularly high cases of RSV as the kids have been locked up for so long

rsv outbreak predates school’s fall opening in the states.

Whoever runs @badpostingdog please bark at churchill. Silenced for 2 days for trolling this thread.


The biggest reason to get a booster of the same shot would be to spur antibody production right now. Producing antibodies is costly, and our bodies are under a constant assault of all sorts of microorganisms, so we’ll tend to only produce the most relevant ones at any time. But, your body does remember how to make antibodies it had made in the past, even if they’re not circulating in your blood. So, if you don’t currently have antibodies for sars-cov-2, you’re more likely to get a toehold infection that’s quickly wiped out as your body ramps up production in response to infection, while somebody with antibodies actively circulating would be more likely to beat the infection sooner. The former may have some chance of spreading the disease, but the latter almost certainly won’t.

So, a booster of the same can help reduce community spread, but only a little bit compared to giving that shot to an unvaccinated person. It’s also a lot less likely to be as valuable as a strain-specific update.


These charts are interesting. I see a huge spike in cases, but not in hospitalizations or deaths.

Yes, deaths lag, but peak 7dma deaths for the last wave was 2 weeks after peak cases. Whereas now we just about a month past this wave’s peak cases.

It’s like that most everywhere, right? Probably some combo of vaccines working, the most vulnerable already getting got, and improved treatment options.

Heh, yup. My youngest has been home from daycare all week with what is almost certainly a cold. She gave it to me, but not MrsWookie. Gonna pop my covid-test cherry, though. Thankfully work provides free mail in tests, so none of this 3-day wait crap, and they’re saliva-based, so no brain tickling.

I’ve had some thoughts about getting tested in hopes of two weeks paid off.

I think it’s generally the trend everywhere. I haven’t done the math but the trajectory of the USA deaths chart doesn’t look as good as the UK. Perhaps due to less vaxxing?

I also continue to believe, based on no actual data, that cases are likely being massively undercounted due to general covid fatigue, and many testing sites closing down leading to longer waits. Which makes me think the IFR (or is it CFR?) is much lower than the last wave.

It’s what we’ve known for a while - that vaccines protect well from the worst effects of covid, but less so from becoming infected - which, despite what CN would have us believe, is why infections have been rising for a few weeks.

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Maybe also because the UK has a better healthcare system in general.

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i see. yeah i suppose you gotta watch out for studies like that

Don’t think so on that. They’ve been super similar to each other until this summer.

You aren’t the only one, but is this necessary? Like why the jabs at other posters, what is this adding to anything? Would be super cool if we can keep the cliques out of this thread. Even if someone feels wronged, maybe just cut some slack to the guy actually on the front lines dealing with COVID right now and save it for another time.

I mean I even mostly agree with you. Cases are elevated and back on the uptick. They are also off peak. We can all see the numbers so why do we need to drag it out for 20 posts.


The frequency of these assaults on teachers and doctors is increasing and it is happening in places where people carry guns. It is a matter of time before someone gets shot. I will not be surprised if someone replies with a news article saying such has already occurred. ETA: definitely happened with private businesses, but I’m meaning more in the context of these big gatherings around public, political meetings and votes.


Already happened with masking issues, so yeah, just a matter of time

I posted something factually correct.

I was wrongly “corrected” by someone in a patronising way.

How would you like to see this handled?

We can take it to PM if you prefer not to have this here.

Post the graph, make your point, and move on? There aren’t judges scoring the fight on points here. It isn’t just you, but Christ, the last three hours of posts are unreadable for literally no good reason.


there’s likely something about those species in that viruses jump from say deer to human less frequently than via pangolins and bats. but wet market is a factor that IMO isn’t decisive, and just attracted a lot of attention. superspreader places and events come in all shapes and sizes, it could have been a supermarket or a pickup basketball game, but for the latter there’s no way to collect any data. perhaps i’d feel different if the virus turned out to transmit by touch, rather than almost entirely respiratory.