COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

Long-term study confirms that more than half (51%) of the Czech adult population has antibodies for COVID19.

And that was as of March 2021 (before the vaccine was accessible to most). Could be a bit more now. I mean combine that with the vaccinated people who didn’t have covid and there might actually be something close to herd immunity here. Could also explain why we haven’t had it as bad as other countries regarding delta.

Seems like a really weird policy decision unsupported by any clinical trial, and also irrelevant to what you quoted me on.

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Not so fast with your herd immunity.

Reaching herd immunity is “not a possibility” with the current Delta variant, the head of the Oxford Vaccine Group has said.

Giving evidence to MPs on Tuesday, Prof Sir Andrew Pollard said the fact that vaccines did not stop the spread of Covid meant reaching the threshold for overall immunity in the population was “mythical”.

“The problem with this virus is [it is] not measles. If 95% of people were vaccinated against measles, the virus cannot transmit in the population,” he told the all-party parliamentary group (APPG) on coronavirus.

“The Delta variant will still infect people who have been vaccinated. And that does mean that anyone who’s still unvaccinated at some point will meet the virus … and we don’t have anything that will [completely] stop that transmission.”

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Serious outcome stats, weekly school testing, home testing, NHS app?

UK boosters for the over 50’s / vulnerable only, taken from the kids allotment, not ROW?

Oh good.

  1. No
  2. I got few citations under my belt nowadays and have taught interpretation of academic papers to medical students and residents. Seems like that perspective should be helpful.

I mean vaccines don’t stop the initial infection. I mean you come into close contact with a virus for an extended time you’re probably gonna get it regardless of vaccination. It’s just that it’ll either be killed off very quickly and/or be asymptomatic/mildly symptomatic.

But still that crazy second wave that fucked us up for months might have worked in a sick, deathly way. I mean it might look like we did the whole survival of the fittest thing but what we actually did was screw up so badly at containing it that it only looks like we let it infect everyone.

I don’t particularly want a third booster tbh. I’ll be due in three weeks. I want a delta upgrade tyvm.


62% of the UK population is fully vaccinated yet infections are high and still rising, so I don’t think Czechia’s 51% explains it.

It depends on the overlap of infected and vaccinated. If you combine the two groups, could be looking at way more than 62% having either natural or vaccine-based immunity here.

Anyway, the vaccination rate is really low among kids and school starts in 2 weeks. That’s gonna fuck things up.

Same will give you another (imo) 4-6 months protection before the vaccine waning again, enough time for AZ 2.0 and the mRNA’s to release their variant busters. But that’s just IMO. We have real experts ITT.

I did hear we might be giving RNA to those that have had mRNA, and vice versa, for the boosters (doubt we’d do AZ to under 40’s though). Might not be the current line of thinking though.

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Really hoping we can move on from a Churchill/CN/Wookie shitshow. Can those kinds of discussions be excised somewhere else? I’d like to continue the discussions on how fucked we are going forward, thanks!


High and rising, 7dma down 35-40% for the past month. Ok buddy.

Do we need a separate thread for dunking on Churchill?


If the protection from it wanes as we are starting to hear, then a 3rd dose of the same should still boost protection against bad medical outcomes.


All you had to do was look at the front page of the Guardian.

My kid’s COVID test came back negative, so that’s good. But now my wife and I both have the cold that they picked up in the first three days of school. Anybody with kids knows this is what happens, they all go to school and breathe on each other, get sick, and bring it home to us. The consequences of unmasked YOLO return to school are just super obvious and inevitable.


City council meetings are like the YouTube comment section of real life.


What exactly does an Immunologist know? These people accosting her have done their research!