COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

At this point I may just go get vaccinated again just for the fuck of it.


If you talked to him 4 days ago, you’re a close contact.

Yeah, my buddies family has owned the building the last 30 years and we have an office in there but haven’t had it open during covid, we would shoot the shit with him all the time about politics and shit. He gave us a wine bottle a couple weeks ago for something we helped him with and would always get us discounted tickets at Cubs games because he worked there. The reason he called 4 days ago was to let us know he had covid and he was going to be hunkering down with his brother and son bringing him stuff when needed. Then yesterday his brother called to have us check on him because he hadn’t heard from him in a day and his phone was off, that’s when we found out the bad news. Just sucks because everyone in the building knew him as one of the friendliest people around

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Do additional shots bring you closer to 100% immunity asymptotically? Self-boostering?

Well, I was kidding. I have no idea if getting more shots would do anything at all this soon after getting my first two.

I figured you were kidding but I wasn’t. If there were infinite supply I feel like getting a third shot would be marginally beneficial and wouldn’t be that crazy. In reality we don’t have infinite supply so I wouldn’t want to use up doses that could be better spent elsewhere but isn’t an additional shot providing (“refreshing”?) additional immunity the whole point of boosters anyways? Idk


Hmmm so if you had to guess: would less international travel make it not as bad if this happened in 1918 or would the lack of oxygen mean more people die?


Except, not really:

Truly a horrendous article. Wow.

Why is it not really? What does that graph show?

Cramming hundred of thousands of soldiers on trains, ships, and in trenches was a pretty good substitute for international business and leisure travel.

But the lack of a (now) preventable secondary infection as a killer and the current state of medicine, I’m not sure if the Covid back then might have been close to the 1918 flu.

It shows that the 1918 flu caused about 300 excess deaths per 100,000 while covid-19 caused about 120 excess deaths per 100,000.

I mean the Spanish flu killed 700,000 when the US population was 100 million.

With a vaccine to moderate Covid. Imagine the rest of the world looking like India right now.

Seems like the NYT is still right then, although your point is noted.

I do wonder if some J&J recipients are going to try to get one of the MRNA vaccines. Gotta be a nonzero number.

Yeah a big killer of flu patients is typically staph superinfection, and we got stuff for that.

Jumping in because I learned bill gates stopped Oxford from making their vaccine unpatented. Lol I remember when I thought he was the one billionaire who wasn’t a complete scumbag but here he is killing probably millions of people.

Fuck bill gates.


Remember that he didn’t actually give his money away, still controls all of his immense wealth, and we’ll be hearing this was brought to you by the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation on NPR decades after he’s dead. And his immense wealth will continue to have tremendous influence on public policy basically forever, controlled by his dipshit heirs. Or whoever it is he designates to control his foundation.