COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

I mean, monitor local case load? I don’t see an issue with going maskless indoors if the cases have been all but knocked out in your area. Oregon is surprisingly bad right now, with a wave that’s looking as bad as it was last summer right now, so I’m not going to be doing much to celebrate my two-weeks-since-second-shot this coming Tuesday, but we might also be peaking right now, so maybe a few more weeks and cases will be low enough to let our guard down?

As for running maskless, you’re fine, especially since you’re fully vaccinated. Your behavior running is low risk even unvaccinated. And as long as you’re the one to move to give other people some extra room, I wouldn’t even think even the most conservative of people would have cause to give you some stinkeye for being maskless outdoors and vaccinated.

What a terrible graphic - clear as mud.


At some point, and I don’t know what will trigger it exactly, but I won’t be wearing a mask anymore.

I rarely wear a mask outdoors. I was always under the impression that outdoor transmission was negligible, vaccine or not.

It’s more like “Liberal activists, the ACLU, Black Lives Matter, and Al Gore want vaccine access limited to inner cities, OUTRAGED that REAL AMERICANS are getting vaccinated. Get your vaccine while you still can and OWN the libs!”


This would actually work if executed correctly and picked up by their propaganda channels. Libs are so incompetent though they’d relentlessly try to fact check it into oblivion not realizing that the end result is good. Lol.

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Significant developments with China’s vaccination drive

China has now administered 211 million vaccine doses, only eight million fewer doses than the US. There is some expectation by next week, China will have surpassed the US and have administered more vaccine doses than anywhere else in the world.

Four different vaccines have currently been approved in China for public use, all of which have been developed within the country.

However, others are on the way; it is possible that another vaccine co-developed by German’s BioNTech may become available within the country “before July”.

According to the national Global Times newspaper, “the Fosun Pharma/BioNTech vaccine will be the first foreign-developed Covid-19 vaccine that China will import”.

Meanwhile, Chinese firm CanSino is set to begin vaccine trials next week using an inhaled vaccine candidate. Global Times said last month an inhaled vaccine would “be a less painful and more accessible” alternative to an injection, “especially for children and vulnerable people”.

China’s main vaccines, Sinopharm and Sinovac also may soon receive authorisation from the World Health Organization to be included in the Covax global vaccine distribution programme.

According to the independent South China Morning Post, Chinese vaccines are in the “final stage of the WHO approval process”. Review meetings to discuss both are set for 3 May. They have been hindered to date by insufficient data on the elderly and people with underlying health condition, given that China has prioritised vaccination among people aged 18 to 59.

This is a mistake people ITT are making. It’s not that simple. There aren’t 2 camps on this issue. There’s like 10 camps. The key is to convince the camps in the middle to get vaccinated.


I mostly only take one outdoors because if I see other people masked up I put mine up as a courtesy. Theres no reason to get close to anyone in my neighborhood. When we go to the zoo or a local farm there are still mask mandates so we all mask up. Im guessing, in a few weeks, we will be no masks outside in MA but many of the venues will still keep masking “requirements” (Stadiums look like they are loosely enforcing at best), so we will mask there.

Dont expect to take off my mask indoors in public until at least next year and policymakers should just keep hard indoor mask mandates until kids are vaccinated at minimum, so into 2022. Private gatherings with all adults vaccinated, I will probably ditch the masks.

I agree with the take that we are all going to be taking personal choice on risk once vaccinated, but I find the non-mask questions much harder to answer (when is it OK to travel? When is it OK to go to the movies? When should the office open at full capacity? When can my kids resume non-school activities?).

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Totally agree - I want everyone to get vaccinated, and I would happily engage in behavior that made that goal more likely.

But maybe we’re talking past each other. Here is what I’m asking: In the context of masking and self-restrictions, how will my voluntary masking and self-restriction increase the likelihood of someone choosing to get vaccinated?

Yea who knows. It’s a good question. Maybe safety in numbers of people wearing a mask along with knowing someone that got sick will change some minds.

They aren’t. They are to protect the community, both by continuing to shield the unvaccinated and reduce the threat of varaints.

In the long-run you are correct, group 1 wont mitigate to protect Group 2. But today, we are still in a situation where like half the community is unvaccinated and kids cant get vaccinated. So even though the individual risk is small, it makes sense to mitigate as a community for a little while longer because a vaccinated person can still set off a forest fire.

All last summer we did NOT wear masks routinely on walks in a sparsely walked part of town. We had them with us. If we came across someone, one of the parties would cross the street or otherwise maintain distance. If we get around others not in passing, we put on the masks.

That said, even though I’m vaxxed im probably not going to change other than more willingness to go in crowds (with masks). And I’m certainly going to follow the CDC/state guidelines.

Most of the continued outdoor masking is likely unnecessary but still good policy.

4 hours post-second jab. Pounded a couple gatorades and some coffee this morning to stay hydrated. Just slightly sore arm so far. Planned on playing 9 after work today but we’ll see how it feels.

One of my cousins is having a birthday party two weeks from tomorrow that I plan on attending. I’ve already asked and even my stereotypical Trumper uncles have all been vaxxed for a while now, as well as everyone else that is going to be there. It’s been over a year since we’ve all been together all at the same time. Feels good to almost be on the other side of this. YeahScience.gif.


Wear your mask just to piss them off.


Preferably one that says Biden on it.


I have a “bye don” mask but I’ve not yet worn it in public


Except the cost of getting infected and possibly dying.

Ha. That’s a great idea but they’re surprisingly okay with masks and in fact pro-mask. Their wives all work in the healthcare field so they aren’t Covid-truthers. They live by one of the conservative axioms that this is actually an issue because it directly impacts them and their lives.


Right but that’s a personal decision. He’s addressing mitigation being taken for the greater good, like he’s comfortable going to a restaurant but doesnt because he wants to be a responsible citizen. Obviously if people just want to live a lifestyle with minimal germ exposure going forward they should be free to do so.

Sigh this older guy I knew in the building I work at passed away from covid in his apartment yesterday, talked to him like 4 days ago too, he was such a nice guy and everyone loved him in the building :frowning_face:

On a brighter note, today I was talking to this Somalian guy (well he’s actually Ethiopian but would never call himself that because of how they treat his mothers side of the family who are a minority there) and he was very hesitant about taking the vaccine. He’s in his 50’s and I told him me and my family got it and while talking I just looked up available appointments and found one at the Walgreens and asked him if he wanted it? His case manager has been trying to find him appointment and couldn’t find anything but since I had it on the screen there and my reassurance he said fuck it let’s do it