COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

Any idea why he did it? I’m still lost on that part of it. I don’t think he owns any part of AZ, so it’s not like he is making money himself. If that’s true, then what was his reason? Why would he even care?

Something about him worries about international Ip laws

Still don’t understand how that leads him to give a shit one way or another.

You are a pusher! Congrats!

I have helped several people sign up and get their shots. Every person is a small worthwhile victory.


Despite all the money his foundation gives away, Gates still cares more about protecting other wealthy people.


Perhaps, but that’s just sounds a little too simple of an explanation to me.

Third shot is where testing shows the first enhanced 5G transmissions begin.

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Bill’s always been an asshole who whitewashes his image using charity.

He pretty much bent the Washington state government to his whim over charter schools when bills and referendums didn’t go his way.

Sorry but billionaires shouldn’t be imposing their vision of what education should be onto Americans against their will. Bill Gates might do some good shit from time to time but he’s still a member of the billionaires club in the end.

The same applies to healthcare. Fuck Bill for controlling healthcare worldwide against the interests of mankind.


Ok, so if I read that correctly, Gates’ thinking is that if giving these things away for free becomes the norm, then people won’t be inspired to make other great innovations in the future.

That’s not so much evil as it is misguided. Unless he’s just using that as an excuse to hide a different motivation (which is entirely possible).

I would take a mask with me to a restaurant and wear it if my waiter was wearing one. As a show of solidarity. It would be pretentious to wear a mask, if fully vaccinated and in a complete social cohort of fully vaccinated people, if the waiter wasn’t. Imo.

Well played.

checks Australia

Australia is settler-colonial, so it could be considered ongoing there. Regardless, the point that the tweeter was making is that colonialism hasn’t ended. Even if it had ended in one place, it is still ongoing.

Less insidious than thought at first blush

There are a lot of concern trolling and handwringing-type objections against releasing the vaccine IP. But at the end of the day the primary reason is that the powers that be want to prioritize private profits over human wellbeing. Some people would consider that insidious.


My second shot is scheduled but not yet received. Once I get it and pass the two week waiting period I plan to take exactly zero COVID precautions that aren’t mandatory.


This article isn’t really that convincing to me. Especially with respect to Gates/Oxford.

  1. They say that just waiving patents won’t help because others still won’t know how to make it. The problem with this is that it sounded like Oxford was going to “open source” it, so presumably they would give away the details of how to make the vaccine as well.

  2. There is a difference between waiving patents not working and waiving patents making things worse. The article suggests that the “problem” is mostly the former. However, there are apparently companies referenced in the article who think that they could make the stuff if the patent was waived. Maybe they’re right or maybe they’re wrong. If they’re wrong, then we’re not in any worse a position than we were without the waiver. But if they’re right, then it’s a huge win. So it’s basically a freeroll.


Gates did an interview with the YouTube channel Veritasium where he basically said the reason he wanted Oxford to team up with a pharma company was to guarantee quality standards were met. It isn’t easy to build out facilities, gather and train people to produce these vaccines and if corners are cut, or any mistakes are made…that has a large effect on vaccine hesitancy.

I’m not agreeing with Gates, just providing his perspective. Below is the video with the relevant clip beginning at 9:20.

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He also spent a fuckton on the campaign for a WA state income tax on incomes over 500K. The referendum failed, but he went hard in the paint to get that passed.

Not sure why we’re putting an unelected college dropout in charge of our vaccine manufacturing public policy.

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