COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

In talking to a friend who is a neuro nurse that gets forced to the covid unit occasionally she said she just saw her first vaccinated covid positive, but they were there for a GI issue and only knew he had a breakthrough case because they test everyone. Meanwhile she’s seen hundreds of unvaccinated positives. Sounds similar to your experience recently. The vaccines truly are unbelievably effective so far.

This guy is 32? Dear lord. I turn 32 this month and legitimately look 20 years younger than he does. Does idiocy age you faster or something?

That guy looks almost exactly 32 to me ha ha. I would easily believe 28 or so and maybe as old as 35.


Hmm ok, maybe my view is just skewed because I look like I’m 18.


I’m kind of curious now what other people think. Could just be me.

How old does this dipshit look to you?

  • 0-29
  • 30-35
  • 36-40
  • 40-45
  • 46-50
  • 50+

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I know the feeling, at 25 I was still getting I’d… :laughing:

The comparable threat would be promising that your kids will raise holy hell if somebody tries to put an unmasked student anywhere near them.

It’s not much and it might require some coordination among your reality-based faction, but it’s something.

What a horrible situation. Good luck man.


Paging @Riverman for a report from the Villages

Say no way say no way ah no waaaaay. Nah nah why don’t you get a jab.


I don’t know how you medical workers can handle seeing this in person, over and over again.


Thankfully, they become not my problem after 3-6 hours. Done the ICU stuff, it fucking blows. Way worse than my job.

Nate getting dunked on


Nate has been especially bad of late.

Nate seems to not get that Delta is a highly localized phenomenon. Some place well vaxxed. Some places lucky so far. Very uneven distribution. Maybe he should tell Louisiana health officials they should be complaining so much.

I know it’s easy to “lol antivaxxers, lolconservitards” and all, but man, that is really tough to watch.

Had to drop nate from following on Twitter, way way way overdue but he’s been quiet for some time and nothing put him over the top until now. Yes you can dunk on me for ever following him if you want.

Oh wait looking for COVID news from The Villages…yeah looks like The Villages has stopped reporting COVID news. Far as I can tell The Villages has their fingers in their ears and yelling I can’t hear you.


I just assume everyone in The Villages already got pozzed months ago.

LOL Villages

For those who were as fascinated by this headline as I was, I can save you some time with key points from the article:

  • This was not a retired grandparent chugging down Fireball “Whisky”. It was a 37 year old dude.
  • Not exactly playing against stereotype: As he was being placed under arrest, Watson began to “loudly yell racial as well as homophobic slurs at law enforcement."
  • Dude probably has a problem: Watson was arrested earlier this year at the Walmart at Buffalo Ridge Plaza in The Villages. He had been banned from the store in 2018. Watson was arrested at the same store in 2019 after stealing vodka and fishing lures. He was also arrested in 2020 after trespassing at the store.
  • It turns out that he was not actually drinking Fireball, but rather Flashpoint Cinnamon Whiskey, rated 0/5 here, and described as “just a cheap knock-off that can’t even pull off being terrible correctly.”
  • The comments in the original Villages-News article helpfully point out that, “Technically, Fire Ball is for camping. Old Granddad is for fishing. Don’t cross the streams dude. We have traditions to maintain.”

There’s plenty of blame to go around. This is the natural consequence of letting organizations like Fox and Facebook spread misinformation, letting people like Donnie Dumb Dumb do their thing and face no consequences. An awful lot of the “reasons” to not do anything are obviously just excuses that privileged people are using to avoid taking any action. It’s pathetic.

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