COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun


God damn globalists and their relentless agenda to, uh, get Lowes workers vaccinated!

Wouldn’t that make people just not get tested and come to work sick or asymptomatic?

Just require everyone to be vaccinated.

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Moderna’s profit incentive would be to want to give people boosters. There’s no reason to lie here.

What about my freedom to sell lumber as guaranteed under the US constitution?

This was my exact thought as well. That’s a dumb policy.

It’s unsettling that employers have this kind of leverage over the healthcare choices of employees.


Very slippery slope. :joy:

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Weird how he posts the same image thrice.

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From the Miami Herald

Florida reported 20,133 new COVID-19 cases, its second-highest single-day case count since the pandemic began last year as the state continues to see record-breaking hospitalizations for the fourth straight day.

The number of cases reported to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Wednesday was just 1,550 short of Florida’s single-day case count record. On July 31, Florida reported a record of 21,683 new COVID cases for the previous day.

Florida, which makes up about 6.5% of the U.S. population, accounted for nearly 22% of the country’s new cases on Wednesday, based on data the state is reporting to the CDC. The state’s seven-day average of new cases was 18,120, as of Aug. 4. The state also reported 84 new deaths.

There were 12,888 people hospitalized for COVID-19 in Florida, breaking the state’s hospitalization record for the fourth day in a row, according to data from the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services as of 1:16 p.m. Thursday.

About 2,577 people were in intensive care, or nearly 40 percent of the state’s ICU hospital beds.

Holy fuck 40%



Enemy of the people

I’ve posted a couple of these animations before. I have an automated job that generates these county-level images nightly from the previous day’s Johns Hopkins data. I honestly haven’t looked at them in months and was hoping that I’d eventually be posting a “victory over covid” celebration video where everything just turns yellow and stays there. Womp-womp.

There are obvious data caveats (sometimes an entire state will just burst into red for 7 days as a huge data dump works its way through the 7-day average) and we’re at the mercy of how different states and counties might manage and report their data. Nevertheless still valuable especially for seeing holistic changes.

This animation starts in mid December which was when vaccines were first becoming publicly available. Until about 6 weeks ago, it was looking pretty much like what we could have hoped for. Then it’s like somebody dropped some covid seeds into the river to get to MO, AR, LA, and then over to FL. Now it’s just spreading outward from that region to the rest of the country. It’s amazing to me how much this animation turns out looking like a small-scale biological process as it spreads outward.

My county (Maricopa, AZ) has roughly quadrupled the new case rate in the past month. It’s going to get worse.


Our hospital set a record for number of admitted patients yesterday. Transferring people up to 2 hours away now because overcrowding is so critical. 40% of the census in our hospital is positive for covid, with additional 13% as persons under investigations (PUI) who had a negative swab but we’re not convinced.


Which hospital(s) do you work at?