COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

Not sure who that is.

Jfc. Dems are really shooting them selves in the foot.

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Where is the lol unions thread @suzzer99

This. Central Michigan University near where I grew up also encourages but does not mandate. Specifically used “personal choice” in their statement.

Lots of twitters pretty riled by the NY teachers union.

Anecdotally common in all the vax required venues, someone on the inside selling access to the unvaxxed for $50-$200



I’ve run the numbers

The numbers are inconclusive

Disappointed but not surprised by “my” union. My institution has also maintained the whole way that vaccination is encouraged but not mandated. Bleh.

Lot more hospitals saying they’ll require vaccines lately.

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My school has reversed course and is now mandating masks indoors for everyone regardless of vaccination status. (Previously only for unvaccinated.) Students, at least on Reddit, are PISSED.

Edit: this is my employer, not my kids’ k-12


Pissed at the school or pissed at the unvaxxed? We should do everything to encourage the latter.

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The company my wife works at re-instated a mask mandate at all of its US locations today.

My university hasn’t revised any policies yet, but cases keep climbing, I think that will happen to my workplace as well.

Our company has just gone back to mask mandate and limited WFH (likely to morph into full WFH until cases subside again)

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my work instituted another mask mandate for all employees.

my gf the 6th grade teacher starts school in Central Florida next week with optional masks in a super conservative county. it’s gonna get ugly in this town. our current positivity rate for covid tests is like %18.

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Pissed at the school for:

  1. Promising a return to normal if we could get enough vaccinations. We’re at almost 75% apparently.
  2. Holding this decision off until the last minute, when students might have made different choices if this was announced earlier.
  3. The expectation that this is just a first step to returning too online classes.
  4. The feeling that college students are basically not at risk, but are bearing the costs.

Our school does have a mask mandate, but Im still super nervous even though my son is vaxxed. School starts this week


Music venue in mpls is requiring vax proof for entry as of today :+1:


All the workers at the Chipotle I went to today are masked now, so gotta start wearing one again I guess