COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

I have no doubt these people are carrying this forward in complete bad faith, but is there any further information on this? FWIW I can’t watch the video in the linked tweet right now so apologies if that’s covered by the dude on CNN and they’re just ignoring it.

I’ve been wearing a typical cloth mask (Athleta brand, I think) to the gym and plan to wear it on my upcoming flight, but if it’s not actually helping then I’ll switch to a surgical mask or something.

Yes but did he have a fever?

Wtf is going on here. Any fucking symptoms related to Covid even tangentially are going to get a Covid test in the ER.

Exactly what is the counter argument, you just wouldn’t test for Covid based on the description CN gave? I for am thankful he is an actual MD and not an internet moron seeing patients.

Swarming him and attacking is just poor form. Not only is the argument dead wrong, it’s the point of obvious trolling when everyone with any specific, direct knowledge does not agree.



They are wearing a mask in common areas of the house. Meals if together are outside.

Peace of mind with the fiancée might make an extended stay or Airbnb worth the cost.

Or maybe a combo. A week in quarantine and then a week in the house w masking on their part.

Are the coming from a place of high or low incidence?

So, this is still happening?


I have a book recommendation for those interested in delving into the topic further

Endless Bickering Most Unhelpful


Already happened over this past weekend.

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BBC had a piece on this last week.


Good lord there’s already been a lot of these and likely will be many, many more:

“My 42 yo cousin didn’t believe in the vaccine. Now she and her husband are in the ICU on vents fighting for their lives with this delta variant while their 4 children are at home,” Jones said on Facebook.

“The vaccine works and this delta variant is brutal. You don’t want to end up like them I promise.”

ETA: Just found out a dealer I worked with a while back at Canterbury Park just died from Covid. He was maybe 40 years old.

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What. The. Fuck.

Yes (other than little children I think there’s only one person in my or my wife’s extended family that isn’t vaccinated and hell no she can’t stay here - for other reasons, but not a shocker that they go together)

Oh it’s been like that since the vaccines were released.

I knew people here in CR who were travelling to America to get their vaccine. I mean they made a trip out of it but they did travel there because the Czech government didn’t make the vaccine available to non-EU nationals until about a month ago (standard Czech xenophobia).

They had a vaccine requirement right? Should be an interesting real-world test of the efficacy of vaccines in those situations. Hopefully somebody gathers that data.

Lol, just told my wife “Lindsey Graham has Covid.” She didn’t say anything, just smiled ear to ear.


Oh no that sucks. Got a first name or PM me? I played CP a couple weeks ago when I visiting my kids. I was shocked to see the “young” people from when I started going looking decidedly middle aged these days.

John Cao. Went to Best Bet Jacksonville when they opened.

Had to show proof of vaccination or a negative test. Organizers claim 90% of attendees showed proof of vaccination.

[Of course there were also anecdotal reports on twitter that scalpers were selling fake cards for $50 outside the checkpoints, so the actual number of vaccinated attendees was probably a bit lower]

My client in MT had to make everybody mask regardless of status due to some state rule/law.

Of course the CDC guidance caught and being a science based company, they’d have done it anyhow.

I guess businesses have to mandatory for everyone or no one. Can’t “discriminate” against the unvaxxed.