COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

I’ve got layers worth of stuff to feel crappy about, starting with the failure of my foray onto Bumble and the many reasons for that failure.


In selected countries

As of 2020, the “Tylenol” brand was used in Brazil, Canada, China, Egypt, Kuwait, Lebanon, Lithuania, Mexico, Myanmar, Netherlands, Oman, Paraguay, the Philippines, South Africa, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, the United States, Uruguay, Venezuela, and Vietnam.[3]


It has close to 16 million confirmed cases, second only to the US.


Thanks for the update Churchill. Maybe someone can design a translator in this thread for you. It can randomly add a few “A’s” to a few medical specialties, change tylenol/acetaminophen to paracetamol and epinephrine to adrenaline. That way we’ll be able to bridge the communication gap.

not recommended as covid or vaccine side effect treatment

Let Tylenol know and maybe the other 210 countries in the world will approve it’s use

These common side effects are much less serious than developing coronavirus or complications associated with coronavirus and they usually go away within a few days.

If you feel uncomfortable, take paracetamol. Make sure you take paracetamol as directed on the label or leaflet.

Stop giving shitty medical advice.

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So my boss who is waiting to get vaccinated was talking to a huge Trump fan employee. This was the conversation:

Trump fan: Look, everyone needs to get vaccinated as soon as possible.
Boss: They just invented it six months ago! No one knows anything about it, how do we know it’s safe?
Trump fan: You think it’s six months old? They’ve been working on this thing for six years. They’ve known about this virus for a long time and secretly developed the vaccine years ago. It’s perfectly safe.



Do have to have a pop at every post Churchill makes?


If churchill is going to give bad medical information and bad vaccine takes, he’s going to get corrected.


11 weeks since my first. Better get a txt soon.


WRT vaccines and NSAID (ibuprofen, naproxen, etc) and Tylenol-

There’s a long running concern that using NSAIDs and Tylenol affect on fever will dampen the immune system response to an infection. NSAIDs are thought to lower the activity of a prostaglandin (PGE) that upregulates temperature control in the hypothalamus. Tylenol, IIRC, no one really knows how it works on fever. It does though.

The concern is that by counter-acting the fever mechanism of the immune response, you’ll lower the effectiveness of immune system. There’s been a ton of investigation into this, including a few papers that initially had some concerning findings. However, the medical literature is decidedly on ‘no effect’ for taking these meds now.

There’s no reason to think that would suddenly be different for the vaccine.

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12 weeks. UK is the reason you’re doing 4 months - we started the 12 week regime about 9th December 2020

12 weeks. We lucksacked our way into a good outcome when an out hit the river.

I must have missed the wrongness in his list of which countries Tylenol is used as a name to which you sarkily replied. My mistake.

The medicine commonly referred to Tylenol is available in all of those countries too. Defending the person being an annoying pedant is one option I suppose


yeah those guys are the worst



Please ban the Ford family from holding public offices next.