COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

Pfizer made heroin feel like garbage in comparison. Like a hug from the inside.


I sleep half as much but have twice as much energy.

Thanks, Pfizer.

Honestly if Time Magazine doesnā€™t name Pfizer Man of the Yearā€¦


Feel great today but yesterday felt like crap all day. Vaccine kicked my ass for 24 hours lol.


The data guy does anecdotes, shock shock, to go to bat for Ron fucking DeSantis. Fuck off Nate you insufferable douche.


Evolves to still being a little bit silly, after half the population have some science juice in their veins.

lol I would be willing to bet even in the bluest areas of DL itā€™s nowhere near 95% indoors now. In red areas itā€™s not even 50% anymore since weā€™re doing anecdotes.


Itā€™s the two week anniversary of my second shot!

And I have no real way to celebrate. Maybe Iā€™ll lick a rail or two.


what, is there a liquor store strike or something?

Update 18 hours later: No longer feels good.


Yea i felt genuinely crummy for a day starting about 16 hours after shot and then lost my appetite for several days after. Nothing too severe though. The appetite loss was weird.


At t+25 hours since 2nd shot, only side effect is mild soreness at injection site for both doses. Even took off work today planning to feel crappy.


my parents get shot 2 tomorrow, if they start feeling shitty can they take ibuprofen right after or do they have to wait a certain amount of time? Canā€™t remember if I saw a suggestion to wait x hours or not

And drink by myself? Iā€™m not an alcoholic.

I got Moderna and wasnā€™t told to wait on taking Tylenol if I needed it.

IANAD and please donā€™t act on anything Iā€™m saying but i asked the technician and he said wait a few hours (pfizer dose 2) but then the pharmacist said it didnā€™t matter.

Thereā€™s no evidence to support not taking ibuprofen, Tylenol, etc. Anyone saying otherwise is an idiot, and there have been some medical people saying otherwise

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You could always feel crappy about something else, since youā€™ve booked the time already.


When I took my first shot, the guy told me that I could take Tylenol, but specifically said not aspirin or ibuprofen. No idea if that was based on anything.

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Itā€™s not. Itā€™s fine.

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I was also told this before my JNJ shot. I didnā€™t end up taking anything, because nothing hurt all that bad. Just mildly annoying aches all over for 24 hours.

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