COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

Is this the thread to discuss Asian hate crimes?

well thatā€™s the most horrifying thing iā€™ve read in a while


How long before blue states start doubling up red states in shots given?

There needs to be a push fucking ASAP from businesses to have their employees get vaccinated or get a brain tickle weekly on their own dollar - like Wynn.

Dead people canā€™t buy stuff.

Iā€™m not joking. I am getting a Pfizer tattoo right where the injections landed.

#Pfirstplace #Pfabulous #Pferal


Everyoneā€™s going to assume itā€™s because you need Viagra.


ha Iā€™m very much looking forward to my covid shift, expect to barely work.


ā€œwho the hell walks a cat on a leash anyway?ā€

They are not wrong. Although reading that article I kept flipping between it being some sort of satire I donā€™t understand or some sort of reality I donā€™t understand.

Iā€™ve legit started to regret that I got Moderna instead of Pfizer. I know thatā€™s crazy.

Probably nothing in terms of increased symptoms, but yeah he might not have realized he had Covid.

Seen it a few times. They get reactions similar to peopleā€™s second shot.

I guess to be specific, Iā€™ve seen it twice. One person came in with covid toe (and typical body aches/etc) and another was being a whiny wimp about body aches.

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We are all going to need a booster/variant jab next year. Itā€™s all good.

Iā€™m not a cat owner, but people who want to take them to public places?

Are you guys sending your kids back to school next school year?

We got the choice between Astra and Biontech for our 2nd dose after getting Astra for the first. Most will take Astra for the 2nd now as well. We survived it once we do it again. My aunt also told me that she heard from her friend in a clinic where they did titer tests on people after receiving 2 doses that the Astra people had a value of about 800 and the Biontech people about 200. So that sounds promising that the choice will be a good one after all.

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Literally no rational reason whatsoever. Branding is a hell of a thing.

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Yeah. It is. Iā€™m completely content with Moderna.

I really wonder how many Americans realize how weird their country is compared to the rest of the developed world.

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A hospital in Germanys seems to have some success helping Covid patients with something that was previously done to patients who had a heart attack. Itā€™s called CRP-Apherese. Its a blood purification process to reduce the amount of C-reactive protein which marks damaged cells for termination and removal. Unfortunately if the number of it is to high it also marks healthy cells which leads to the dangerous immune overreaction.

You wouldnā€™t say that if youā€™dā€™ve gotten Pfizer, like I did. Sooooo much better.