COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

Was kind of hard to find and I dont have it in front of me, but it was basically flat. Maybe down a tick over the last week, but nothing that would say they stopped counting cases. Positivity rate still high in the high teens. They are still undercounting cases, but rate hasnt risen in the last couple of weeks either so really looks like cases are/have peaked.

I would have bet on a variant driven surge but it seems like some combination of vaccination/community immunity/seasonality is blunting it because Michigan is peaking and we arent really seeing new hot spots crop up to replace it. USA 7DMA down like 8% this week too. Maybe some USA#1 run good here.

EDIT: Positivity rate down from 18% to like 15% too I think (why isnt this data easier to find) so a little good news on that front too

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MI re-upped their lockdown and presumably people started taking things more seriously after the recent explosion in cases.


Miniscule amendments with ultra-quick results (!) Even the climate theory is more believable than the ‘lockdown’

50% indoor dining in the middle of a surge seems pretty crazy.

OK, now read the rest of the post.

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Indeed. Indoor dining been closed in the UK since, what end March 2020. Might re-open in limited capacity end May 2021 here.

MI lockdown now requires… mask wearing

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Based on the article it seems like the contract was based on:

A) A desire to have more domestic production capacity. The Trump administration was running around giving out contracts to companies that had never made medical devices before simply because they were US-based and there was a fear that other countries might limit the supply of different components. (There was probably also a lot of consideration given to helping out political allies with these deals).

B) It seems like maybe this syringe wasn’t necessary for the Covid vaccine specifically, but this company used Covid as an opportunity to try to get funding for some tech they were already working on.

Their device is a pre-filled single dose syringe that gets filled in the factory. The Covid vaccines are usually shipped in vials and then drawn into syringes on site.

I don’t know the full impact this different delivery type might have vs the current standard, but I could see some potential advantages. Maybe quicker administration, fewer wasted doses (because you don’t have the issue of partially used vials going to waste at the end of the day), and fewer possible errors occurring when the doses have to get drawn from the multi-use vial. On the other hand, when you’re in the middle of a pandemic and speed is critical, money is probably better spent trying to build capacity for the stuff you know rather than worrying about funding an unproven company that hasn’t even built a factory yet.

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In Ontario we call these futile half measures “mockdowns”.


I’ll see if I can find any Michigan mobility or dining data, although sometimes hard to find at that granular of a level. I thought they ended up doing very little from a mandate standpoint as governor wasnt on firm legal ground and also didnt want to be executed, but wonder how much voluntary rollback we saw.

Thanks dickheads


I mean on the one hand, yay fewer Repubes? But we know it won’t be like that. They’ll be Karening for muh healthcare and burden the system and muh freedoms and still spread it to the rest of us and it will still be the Dems’ fault and still they will somehow hang onto the Senate year after goddamned year. :man_facepalming:

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It’s all Chiner’s plan to get revenge on Trump et al for the trade war shit. Release the virus. Scare all the responsible Americans to get the jab. Now start releasing the worse viruses to clean up all the Trumpsters. 2022 and 2024 elections wipe out Rs.

Not sure why we didn’t see this before. Expect lethality to go up 10 fold soon. Derp Flu (Covids 20 thru 30) is gonna wipe them out. Ted Nugent was lucky to survive.


Waiting at the pharmacy post-jab after snagging an earlier appointment. Feels good, man.


It’s probably ponied by this point but california numbers are looking great (like almost best in the nation except hawaii great) despite being practically OFB for weeks now. I’m cautiously optimistic.


Based on the assumption that vaccination has a ton to do with this, I was thinking today how grim things would be without these vaccines.


Yea my thinking is we OFB’d way too soon again and just got lucky vaccine distribution has been going so well.

Looking forward to all the arguments i’m gonna have on fb about how blue states are doing better than red states because the virus is a soros controlled hoax funded by bill gates


It would be brutal.

Vermont 7-day moving average for new cases at its lowest point in 2021 right now.