COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

Hooray hairdressers opening in Czechia May 3rd. Been over 6 months since i got one!

Can only enter with a negative covid test though I assume proof of vaccination will work too.

Yeah whatā€™s funny is I thought this was a reply to some stupid deplorable post and then saw who wrote it and then realized it was a dumb ass independent thought.

I give Nateā€™s Twitter a D- grade.

Paging @NateSilver538

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Seems promising, data \ shows reinfection possible but ā€œrare:ā€

Reinfection rate within 90 days of .4 percent. I wonder how many of those are people who had a really mild case first.


Thereā€™s going to be some big issues with that data. People test positive for weeks to months even once symptoms resolve. Testing error is going to make up a significant portion of that percentage.


Yeah, I wondered that as well.


Whoa, whoa, whoa. What will the derps change their argument to once they canā€™t use ā€œthe vaccine isnā€™t FDA approvedā€?

I mean, I know it wonā€™t take them long to regroup on something else. Iā€™m sure weā€™ll weā€™re all still alive 3 years after taking the vaccine theyā€™ll just tell us it takes 5 years before the real side effects kick in.


Itā€™s definitely based on something. I wouldnā€™t call it evidence-based, though. Basically the thinking is that the vaccine is inducing some sort of inflammatory response, and things like ibuprofen and aspirin ane anti-inflammatory. So if you are giving a vaccine with the goal of producing an inflammatory response, then giving something that is anti-inflammatory would seem counterproductive.

Although, the above simplified explanation kind of sounds like it makes sense, there is no evidence that things actually work this way. Iā€™m also not sure that taking anti-inflammatory medication has been shown to reduce the effectiveness of any vaccine. Furthermore, if you get into the details, the inflammatory response that NSAIDS interfere with is probably not essential to getting an immune response to the vaccine. But everything is interconnected, so itā€™s hard to be 100% sure. For example if taking ibuprofen caused a 2% reduction in vaccine effectiveness, we would never know and it would essentially be unprovable.

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I booked a house in MI for a month on airbnb because it was a pretty good deal and seemed nice, even though they had Fox News on in the pictures.

Then they cancelled on me today because ā€œWe have COVIDā€.


So they were going somewhere else then got stuck with covid?

Weā€™ve reached the point in LA where tons of appointments are available for multiple days at the Forum drive up site. Definitely a milestone. Soon the arm-twisting public education campagins will begin for the holdouts.

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IDFK, but I gotta find somewhere else to stay now. Iā€™m getting my 2nd shot right before I have to move and MI has turned the corner, but itā€™s still super bad here and I really donā€™t want to get COVID in the next 5 weeks.

Note, these are reported deaths, almost certainly lower than the actual figure.

The gradients of these lines are terrible.



Policy re outdoor masks is tricky because itā€™s not a one size fits all problem. There is a dose*time consideration plus the whole who is vaxxed vs who is faking.

So in public we should generally behave as in unvaxxed regardless.

Out for a walk in park- no
Sitting in the stands at a ballgame- yes
Crowded city sidewalk-yes

But itā€™s a subtle message. Unless we are going to get non counterfeitable V forehead brands, then IMO itā€™s just courteous to where them for solidarity if nothing else.


Generally agree but if you have to walk through crowded streets to get to the park or beach you should mask up.

Basically donā€™t leave home without one.


Iā€™ve stopped wearing my all-for-show face covering on my 5:30AM runs where I see almost nobody. AITA?



I havenā€™t been wearing a mask on my runs. I run on a 6-8 foot wide path where I might pass 3-5 people over the course of the run. It seems completely unnecessary to me if Iā€™m literally never within 3 feet of someone and am never close to someone for more than 2 seconds, and your situation is even more conservative. Maybe Iā€™m TA.


Iā€™ve worn a mask outside maybe 1% of the time. I always give a wide berth to anyone I pass. Iā€™d say maybe a third of the people I meet have masks on, and almost none of those people are out for exercise.