COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

Ruining the discussion by informing people that a runny nose is something they should pay more attention to now?

That is basically what Churchill was pushing. Sources saying 50% efficacy.

You didn’t need to take a personal jab at his profession.

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If that’s what he did and that’s how he acted then maybe this thread wouldn’t have turned from one of the best COVID threads on the planet to a half steaming pile of excrement (among other reasons, not just him)

“Those aren’t delta symptoms” and following up with “google is your friend” isn’t good faith posting.

Coming from someone who wants Churchill around, just wants every post not to be 10/10 antagonistic and who tried to back up what he was saying here to some extent.


The main thing this thread has taught me over 18 months is Covid in the UK is different than the rest of the world at every stage and at every turn.

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Ignore the captains please. I thought your point was interesting.

Come on, nobody is buying the bullshit you are selling. Churchill indicated that fever and fucking cough aren’t delta symptoms and then you and your buddies went to the mat with that because you’re bored.


Hes an absolutely horrid man and was informing people not to get the vaccine. FAFO. Not an ounce of sympothy for him. Hopefully he hasnt hurt anyone else in the process.

Why do you feel the need to call him this? It’s unnecessary, insulting, and it isn’t even clever.


Seems like you answered your own question.


This one might hit hard in the bored housewife wing of the Qanon wing of the wellness community.


See, this is why I need to be a mod.

Mjollnir would feast.


That sounds like it’s saying the symptoms are the same, they just occur in different frequencies.

Note that loss of smell was described as quite common last year while linking to a study where 41% of people reported it as a symptom and it is still a top five symptom for those who are double-vaxxed according to your link. I can’t find any numbers for the delta variant, but all of this arguing seems silly if loss of smell fell because only 30% of COVID positives have it now instead of 41%.


Agreed, let’s try to keep the discussion focused on COVID and not on posters.

I’m about to hit a series of appointments and don’t have time to go through all of this, but I’m gonna’ put my mod hat on in the meantime and say this:

Subject expertise isn’t a license to be consistently derisive. It’s frustrating sometimes to engage with people whose credentials don’t match ours, but please consider how you might use that expertise to educate rather than denigrate.

Personal attack warning also goes out to everyone else, though. C’mon.


Wait til you reach the runny noses.

Yay the covid deniers found some guy associated with Biden who compares droplets carrying virus to smoke - and now they’re all over it.


Using my one time.


We might need to use our collective one time here.

Edit: shortsighted. Suzzer is smart. RESERVE YOUR ONE TIME.

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