COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

Google is your friend

Sure, let me just enlarge that screenshot a bit…


I mean a place that never had any mask mandates or closures ever.

People can swab positive for a long time afterwards. FWIW, there was never a negative swab in between.

I really don’t know if this is a re-infection. Maybe? Probably?

Yes they are. Stop. I’m in no mood to be told what the symptoms of covid are by you of all people.


That is not what he is saying at all. The Covid year was just a routine test on admission, not necessarily driven by the symptoms.

You really need to learn that your initial read on things has a low batting average on being correct and adjust accordingly.


This confused me so I did a google dive, afaict delta has the same symptoms as COVID Classic, just more intense.

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I think this is most likely, but still can’t say that with any sort of real confidence.

Still testing positive from the case earlier this year?

Lol, wut?

Do your own research, amirite?

Actually, yes.


IANAD, but anecdotally seems to be showing up more often with common cold/sinus infection symptoms only than with the original strain. That said, obviously saying something like fever isn’t a symptom of delta is wrong, particularly for cases that are going to show up in the ER

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The classic Covid symptoms people should look out for, the NHS says, are:

  • cough
  • fever
  • loss of smell or taste

But Prof Spector says these are now less common, based on the data the Zoe team has been receiving from thousands of people who have logged their symptoms on an app.

Since the start of May, we have been looking at the top symptoms in the app users - and they are not the same as they were," he says.


That’s not what the source says and ffs just stop.


Fever remains quite common but loss of smell no longer appears in the top 10 symptoms, Prof Spector says.

“This variant seems to be working slightly differently,” he says.

"People might think they’ve just got some sort of seasonal cold and they still go out to parties and they might spread around to six other people.

There 's a big difference between “the prevalence of symptoms seems slightly different with delta”, and authoritatively stating, “those aren’t delta symptoms”.


jack of all trades? You have no idea what the fuck you’re talking about.

I’d love to see this supposed work from this group. Their website has articles about a plant based diet can prevent covid 19 (lol) but nothing about a list of symptoms.

This is pathetic.


We’ve known for a while here (having had widespread delta) that the symptoms are not the same as before eg loss of sense of smell isn’t strongly associated with delta.

Your experience in one hospital might differ, I don’t know, so there’s sample size for you to consider.

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oh ok so something completely and totally different. Stop.

Oh you think I work at one hospital? That’s wrong. Seriously, stop.

Not sure why Church ruled out Classic COVID.