COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

They’re just buying time. They won’t admit they’re wrong and need excuses. Guess what? By the time the vaccines are fully approved, it will have been months to a year since people started getting vaccinated, and anti vaxxers are going to start posting stuff like “X thousand who got the vaxx have DIED, still think its safe? Do your own research!” And then your friend will demand that YOU prove to HIM that the vaxx didn’t kill them.

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I don’t think I’ve seen this posted yet, but Kaiser posted some interested state-level data about breakthrough cases. Interesting graphical summaries of cases, hospitalizations, and deaths by vaccination status:


what people don’t realize is that’s a subtle dig at little ron deS’s height.

My antivaxer ex has already sent me stuff saying the vaccine has killed 15,000 people in Europe.

Sound crazy? Do your own research!

I just lol the instant I hear someone say they did their own research.

Researching is a learned academic skill often connected with other learned academic skills like critical thinking and reading not typing shit into Google.

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I bet all almost all the jocks that don’t get the shot will immediately do what there orthopedist says for an injury.

People think they know as much or more as doctors and scientists. I see it all the time on social media.

All from reading Facebook memes. Med school is a hoax.

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Fuck this guy


So I’ve alluded to this before, but re-infection is super tricky. I’ll go over a case I had yesterday.

Fairly young guy without much medical history, had covid early this year, and is fully vaccinated. He comes in with epigastric pain ends up having pancreatitis, likely because he has too much fat in his blood from a week long drunken vacation. No big deal, start him on insulin and fluids.

Surveillance swab comes back positive. No fever/cough/sob/diarrhea. Is this a reinfection? No idea.



If the swab came back positive, what could it be other than reinfection or false positive?

That’s not known. While the vaccinated may shed a similar amount as unvaccinated at some point, they’re also less likely to catch delta, and shed for a shorter duration.

There is no way to say we have enough data at this point to pinpoint vaccine as half as effective at stopping delta transmission than in non-vaccinated people.

I would guess an asymptomatic infection combined with another unrelated or maybe only slightly related problem (in the sense that the human body is complex and everything is related to degrees we’ll never fully know).

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These aren’t delta symptoms

I feel like we needed some white, European country to have no restrictions as a control group so we could point at them as an example to scare people into compliance. I mean, does the world really need more Bulgarians?

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We already have no restrictions control groups here in the states. Why would Americans care more about Bulgarians than they do about Floridians?

Welcome to the UK’s home grown Englishmen who are under no restrictions if they wish to do so.

I feel pretty confident that CN is aware of the symptoms of the disease he’s treating on a daily basis, but even if not, the interwebs also seem to agree:


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