COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

good question

We had

The soy milk/unpasteurized milk/no milk group driven by the autism link fraud. Now we have the moron crowd drive by Facebook and RWNJs.

I’d guess the purely uneducated is a smaller fraction than either of these two.

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Can anyone explain why Florida is getting hit so much worse than all the other states in the area right now? Data I’m seeing has Florida as the most vaccinated state in the southeast.

Trajectories aren’t great, but places like Alabama, Kentucky, Georgia, etc. are still well off their highs in January, while Florida is breaking new daily records.

What’s going on?

I expect tourism has a role. Lots of people coming in bring it with them. But that is a guess.



yeah that’s the thing. the profile of the median antivaxxer that we’re picturing in our heads has shifted wildly in the last 18 months. but I wonder if a bunch of this wasn’t already bubbling under the surface and we just missed it.

Trolly beat me to it, but the answer is Desantis.

You have the Governor of Alabama straight up blaming the unvaccinated for what’s left of the pandemic. On the other hand, Desantis, who does have enough plausible deniability to claim that he is not really antivaxx, is bending over backwards to pander to the non-masking, non-vaxxing folk.

While all the states on your list are red (inc. GA as far as this is concerned), there are differences in how they’re being run. Specifically, the rest of them aren’t being run by DeSantis.


Have we taken time to lol this guy yet?


Shit, Mike Judge beat you to that revelation by 15 years

When do we get to anti-vaxxers paying higher health insurance premiums, like smokers?

I’m not real happy about my premiums going up to pay for a double lung transplant that could have easily been avoided.


“In March 2018, three women accused Byrd of sexually abusing them while they were underage members of the high school basketball team he coached. Each of the three women detailed instances of Byrd touching and kissing them and making unwanted advances over 30 years prior, in 1988.[5] Byrd did not initially directly refute the allegations, and apologized to one of the women, but later issued a statement denying the accusations and “questioning the motives” of his accusers. He resisted calls to resign from influential Republicans such as Speaker of the Tennessee House of Representatives Beth Harwell, and won re-election in 2018 in a landslide.[6]”

As always, evil just wont fucking die to this thing.

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He was raising the alarm about variants. But he also was pushing hard that the vaccine was no longer effective. The later was the issue and he would not really separate the two.

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A friend of mine (who doesn’t trust the government) wants to wait for FDA approval before considering getting vaccinated. SMH.

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In this case FDA equals Fucking Dumb Ass approval.

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Less effective with regards to stopping transmission

Yeah basically half as effective.

A provision of Obamacare is that the only ways insurance can discriminate for individuall plans is age and smoking. I don’t know whether insurance companies can offer lower rates for a vax requirement to employers who offer group plans.