COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

I just used “wrecking havoc” because that was the language used in the previous posts here.

It is bad enough that the country is likely to get shut down again soon. The hospitalization numbers went up massively this week. Everything is tiny compared to the US, but trends are probably going to follow. And again, Israel is probably among the most Vaxxed countries out there.

ETA - This is the official gov covid data site. The language they use is “seriously ill” which I assume is ICU hospitalizations but I’m also clueless and don’t want to get yelled on. We’ll see how the trend continues and how the 3rd dose helps.

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Thanks. It’ll be good to track deaths next month to see the correlation.

Just looked up the numbers and 85% of all adults are vaxxed. I assume those aren’t even close to attainable numbers in the US.

Provincetown seems like the kind of outbreak that continues to happen among the fully vaccinated. Large groups gathering with lots of out of towners with whatever novel strains they are carrying exposing large numbers of vaccinated in very high-risk settings.

100 percent vax plus rapid test requirements when traveling out of local area and/or limitations on indoor spreader events should do it though.

Edit: I’m also not as sure we don’t see waning immunity. Not the doomsday Israel they are down to 40 percent after six months, but I expect to get a booster dose within 6-12 months

Is Israel tracking how many if the seriously ill folks are part of the 15% unvaxxed?

Something like that can only reasonably happen when unvaccinated people from out of town come to visit, and even then, there’s a huge difference in the spread when it’s 70ish% of adults vaccinated vs. 90%+ of everyone.

yeah but in an annoying to read way.

edit - i was wrong. 32% of seriously ill are unvaxxed. but these are still low numbers of actual patients so i guess it will vary a lot.

Only in the northeast.

Thinking back to the boner graph. Maybe the lack of erections will decrease the reproductive fitness of the anti-Vaxxers and negate the idioicracy effects.


If there’s one thing that I’ve learned as a doctor it is that stupid people are remarkably good at getting pregnant


You’re still really vague on how you go from point A to point B here. Progressives yelling about white supremacy → technological progress doesn’t happen is quite the stretch. Lack of public interest in vaccine research is due to a lot of things, but the BLM movement isn’t one of them.

There’s also the problem that these “soi-disant progressives” don’t seem to be running the show here. It’s completely topsy-turvy from the picture you’re painting: No one is dismantling white supremacy or tearing down late-stage capitalism, but we are getting a lot of outstanding progress on mRNA technology.

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Don’t know what this is, don’t care. What an amazing way to start a post.


I guess I should have used more precise wording. Delta has an R0 of less then 1 in a fully vaccinated population. That’s what I mean by “it wouldn’t be spreading.”

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From boners to boneheads

Should assume that these are basically the 20 most Trumper states?

I saw a documentary about this once:

I wasn’t even aware that there was a chicken pox vaccine until I got my own kid vaccinated :man_shrugging:

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how much is vaccine-reluctance/distrust driven by lack of access to health care? Is there any data on opinions on the vaccine cross referenced with how long it’s been since the respondent has had a preventative visit/physical etc?