COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

Same here. Will definitely be telling future generations about bathing in oatmeal.


I honestly didn’t remember there was a vaccine for chicken pox. Now I feel doubly old.

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Maybe they should try testing less.


Except in 1991 you were a kid and Chesspain was already old enough that it was bad to get chickenpox. I think.

(I had chickenpox when I was about 8. I don’t actually recall my parents making sure my brothers and I all got it, but that was a thing and I expect they did that.)

Did they stop giving it? Didn’t your kids get it? (Not that I could tell you all the vaccines my kids got, but they did get the chickenpox vaccine.)

It looks like the “delta is as transmissible as chickenpox” thing was based on some faulty datasets, so that’s good. Thought it sounded a little too much to be true.

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I’m guessing his kids aren’t old enough to get it yet.

I have little memory for this stuff, but CDC says first dose at 12-15 months and second dose at 4-6 years.

I guess I forgot about the first one. I just remembered that my kid got one at around 5.

I don’t know when it’s supposed to be administered. Maybe at an appointment MrsWookie handled? They haven’t missed on anything the doctor says it’s time for.

Why don’t you guys just get covid tests when you’re sick? It’s so easy around me and I figure you’d want to know for: 1. Peace of mind; and 2. So you can take precautions if you have it. Like, you don’ thave drive through sites? I’m sick too, I took what must be my 13th covid test yesterday just to make sure.

Got me thinking about times when school was closed and I remembered one of those times we had to wear masks. Mount St. Helens.

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Where I am, COVID tests cost $140.

They’ve already tried that. It Isn’t working.

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Covid tests are free here (where Suzzer is). I had one not too long ago.

From what I understand the first one was free but another one might cost me $130 or something.

Plus you have wait around. And then like me you find out you got the shitty PCR test, when you didn’t even know there was a shitty PCR test.


That’s nuts. They’re free in NY. At least, all of the state run sites are free, and insurance seems to cover everything else but the instant ones.

I dunno they wanted my insurance. Somehow I got the impression one was covered but not more.

I mean, dont’ get me wrong, It’s very very very likely you don’t have covid as a double-vax, even with delta, so it’s mostly for peace of mind.