COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

NBZ, planning to check anything else out on the way to Mammoth? Bristlecone pine forest is amazing. I think Mono Lake is past Mammoth but really cool. Also check out Schat’s bakery in Bishop.

You’ve had covid more times than anyone I’ve heard of.

Maybe it’s cancer. Or lupus.

Mine was more than gurgly, it was as though I was pissing straight out my asshole (seriously gross) for three straight days.

85 degrees in Glendale and getting hotter by the minute.

France is still below 50% fully vaccinated, so the vaccinated population will skew heavily for high-risk members of said population. So if you control for that I guess the ratio will be a lot better than 8to1.

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It’s a brother and his family kind of thing. Since has has two unvaxxed kids under 12, I defer to him on what he is comfortable with.

We have plans to visit relatives tomorrow. Not sure where. I think Torrence?

It’s all on brother. So far, there’s some sort of gas station we have plans to stop at. Otherwise, I will take suggestions.

Not sure how smoky it will be. Bristlecone Pine forest is about a half day detour. There’s a 1 mile loop walk you can do. It’s easy but like 11k feet so you will get winded. Oldest living things in the world. Some over 5k years old.

Gonna in the mid 60s tomorrow here in Prague.

In August. Gonna rain like there’s no tomorrow too apparently.

Cold AF, imo.

This postcard sums up everything Torrance has to offer.


For August it is. For the previous week it’s been 80s and 90s. All of a sudden things drops that fast.

If it wasn’t for the rain, I’d be in heaven with that temperature.

Has anyone seen this happening?

No because who would take a chickenpox vaccine when God gave us the chickenpox?

Yup, people born around 1990 are the breaking point. Most are vaccinated after that.

I caught Chicken Pox in or around 1991. I believe that vaccine came out shortly after I was pozzed.

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Said this before, but my parents made my sister and I stay in the same room when one of us got chickenpox (can’t remember which one got it first) so that we’d both get it. This was in the 70’s.

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