COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

Dafuq? Who voluntarily lives like this?


Sorry, man. 64 is not legit cold in any context. At least not on Earth.


Me. Thatā€™s like at night/early morning though. Itā€™s pretty rare that high temps donā€™t make it to the mid-50s.


Suzzer, NotBruceā€¦what are we doing today?

If youā€™re not comfortable while naked, then it is cold to some degree. 64 is slightly cold.

it is for the summer in LA. Obviously Iā€™m not saying itā€™s cold cold.

Suzzer, you grab and instant covid test and then weā€™ll hang out with NotBruce.

Iā€™ve got a thing to go to in a few hours. I might be up for something tomorrow if breakthrough covid doesnā€™t kill me first.

Iā€™m spending my week here with family. I think weā€™re going to a drive-in tonight and Mammoth next week. I was considering slipping away to a poker room and daring anyone to join me, but Iā€™m a bit more reluctant with the delta variant stuff while I am with family.

Thatā€™s not what I generally assume one means when one is using the word ā€œcoldā€ to describe the weather.

Legit cold but not cold cold? Meh, Iā€™ll allow it.

Poker looks like hell right now. Like those plastic partitions are going to protect against delta.

That drive in in MDR is awesome.

What about going for a hike tomorrow with me and Microbet and bring the family? Or is this parents-type family?

Yeah, I would be slightly against poker room atm. Outdoor beer good though, but Delta and all, maybe next time.

Like if it was 58, cloudy and windy in Kansas City right now, someone might say - holy shit itā€™s cold.

Obviously thereā€™s some context there - in that theyā€™re not saying itā€™s cold compared to -5 in the winter.

Im with you. Ive been laid up for three days woth headache, 100.1 fever and unyielding diarhhea. That part finally stopped today. Fever down to 99.4.

Maybe covid? Maybe stomach flu? Who the fuck knows.

I have something in the morning tomorrow, but will be done by 10am or so. And, yeah, drive to Mammoth is unbelievably beautiful - better when thereā€™s more snow though.

Yeah, I think weā€™ve got it. The horse is extremely dead at this point.

My colon is gurgly right now too. But I get that every now and then.

What area? My wife and kid went and scoped out Marina Del Rey this week and were surprised how much cooler it was there than the rest of the LA area.