COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

It’s legit cold where I live in LA, and I feel like I have some kind of head cold. I’m convinced it’s breakthrough covid. Thanks Fauci!

(gives suzzer a very Midwestern headshake)


“Im supposed to be the strongest man he (the son) knows, but if he came in here right now he could take me.”

Lol at this toxic masculinity shit. It’s so pathetic. You are on your death bed because you are an idiot and your concern is that your son could beat you in a fight? Grow the fuck up. Jesus I have zero sympathy for these dipshits. I don’t know how you healthcare providers are doing it anymore.


Now would actually be a really good time for those Obama death panels, IMO.


So I am staying at a resort type place with my family right now. You have to show proof of full vaccination when you check in or get tested daily. Once you have met the criteria you do not have to wear a mask.
This requirement is only valid for people twelve years and above. My daughter turns twelve in a few weeks but gets voluntarily tested anyway (well, my wife and I are making her „volunteer“). My son is seven and does not get tested. My wife and I are fully vaccinated.
We plan to all get tested before we leave and once again when we arrive at home.

I am really not sure whether this is totally irresponsible or fine. It definitely feels weird.

These Midwest hellholes are hollowed out from generations of brain drain. It’s self reinforcing, any half decent person gets the fuck out the moment they can, forever.

My work has gone from being a big part of my life and identity to fuck you I’m here because I’m getting paid. On the bright side my hospital is going to make everyone prove they got the vaccine or they will be given different colored badges and won’t be allowed to work in certain units. Oh your an ER or ICU nurse, sorry welcome to acute care. If your job requires you to go to covid units or covid patients come to you (hello MRI techs), you can’t come to work.


That is really really good news. Also might help explain why delta seems to burn through like a flash fire, but then burn itself out pretty quick. The vaccinated and previously infected are most likely dead ends in the chain.


Kinda like it to be better than 8 to 1 but ok.

You mean right now at this moment? Are you running a fever?

Hell if I know. I just feel a little off, headache. Could be the weather.

I was convinced I had covid back in Feb. Got tested, no covid.

All this breakthrough infection talk has me paranoid.

Weather is great. 70 deg, not too sunny. If you want to warm up it’s going to be 95 in Woodland Hills today.

It’s fucking cold at my house. I’m not complaining - beats super hot. But I just shut all my windows for the first time since June.

Honestly wondering if you’re running a fever. It’s not hot by any means, but I’m in shorts and very comfortable and I think in general you are more averse to heat than I am.

eta: I could see shutting the windows if you’re getting a strong breeze.

It’s 64 overcast and windy. You’ve got a huge ridge blocking the ocean breeze.

Ok, I feel ya. You probably get more wind than I do since we have the hill between us and the ocean.

eta: Ponied

I do often tell people from the cold places that it’s actually colder for me in the winter when it’s -20 deg for them, but they seem to all keep their houses at 80 deg in the winter and I essentially use no heat. It’s often high 40s in my house in the winter.

It’s legit cold where I live in LA

It’s 64 overcast and windy.



Legit cold for the summer numbnuts. Enjoy your 95 with 90% humidity for the next month and a half.

I am currently in Marina del Rey. 67 degrees.