COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

You must be mistaken, Hillbilly Dipshit assures us that NYC is a hell hole.

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It’s still dumb policy to not retroactively apply the $100 to everyone already vaccinated. Otherwise it creates an incentive to hold out on future vaccinations or boosters to be able to cash in.


I assume the y axis is the number of new cases per day, right?

What is the source of the data? What is the border between high and low vaccination rates?

They y axis is the number of deaths per million residents in a given county.

Source: New York Times database of reports from state and local health agencies and hospitals¡Counties are considered to have high vaccination rates if at least 60 percent of the population is currently fully vaccinated. Counties with low vaccination rates are those where less than 30 percent of the population is currently fully vaccinated.

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Oh okay I see now.

The graph came off as saying that each county type had the same exact death rate despite the vaccination rate.

They probably would’ve been better off labeling the y axis

Some hard hitting research coming out of the University of Sydney




at first i got really mad at how bullshitty that paper was, then I saw that it’s a pay to play peer review shit journal.

I’m not going to endorse this particular paper (there are bad papers in every journal), but PLoS One is one of the best, if not the best, open access journals out there, at least last I checked. I know researchers who publish there a fair bit in service of the open science ideal, and they’ve always gotten legitimate reviews on submitted manuscripts. It’s also one of the only places you can publish and have peer-reviewed a negative result, which is really important.


The wife still feels the same way about the vaccine. Amazing.

Brainwashing is hard to overcome. Look at Scientology.

Yeah - I lost whatever sympathy I had for them at that point. It’s so childish - they just can’t admit they were wrong.

I hope she ends up right where her husband is, then.

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But it still is pay to play which is a huge red flag for me. 2500 is the fee for most of their papers. It’s 4k for medicine. I’m sure they’ll publish negative results, you’re not going to pay that much and get your paper rejected.

Uh, PLOS is pretty legit, my dude.

well my bad then, just super wary of the pay to play scheme

FWIW, PLOS fees are also kind of progressive. IIRC, US authors will pay more than Indian authors for example. I think there may even be certain countries from which submissions are not charged at all.

I guess one could view this as an attempt to prevent the fee from being an obstacle to the submission of good research. But I suppose the cynic could say that it’s just a way of to increase profits and give a veneer of respectability.

I haven’t read many articles published there, but from what I remember some are good and some are bad, just like any journal.

Fees are pretty normal for open access journals. If they aren’t charging people to view your work, they are going to get the money through fees.

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