COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

NYC has been making it rain lately. They just mailed two $900 debit cards to use for food for my kids. Not means tested.


NYCGOAT, apparently.

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Mailing rich Manhattanites cash doesn’t seem like they’re doing socialism exactly right.

So we’re in the middle of a third surge now, and there’s no doubt about it. Half the patients were covid patients today. They are younger, and definitely less likely on the whole to be admitted. I’ve seen what might be the worst of this (at least in the USA), we’re nowhere close to that or the second surge.

I’m also much more comfortable in who needs to stay vs go, how to set up follow up for my patients, and systems based stuff. I was moving to a new job back during the second surge still.

What’s different this time is the anger we all feel towards the covid patients if you’re unvaccinated. There’s a real palpable anger among all of the physicians.

For example, we have a designated covid tent to take care of stable covid patients. Another doc’s patient was complaining about how long it was taking her doctor to get there. Took a little snipe at me (whatever), but then she took a snipe at my covid tent nurse who’s getting blasted with patients. I gave her my little speech I give to assholes in the ER (While you’re here you will be respectful towards me and my staff, we will be respectful to you, etc). She talked back and I cut her off with ‘you will be respectful or you will leave’ several times. Not something I normally do in this shop. Drunks and drug addicts usually shut up after the first talking to, if they don’t they’re about to get sedated anyways. I worked in NYC, meth addicts are soft as hell compared to our pcp/cocaine users. Ain’t taking shit from them.

In public we manage to fake not being angry as hell at these people, but we’re openly calling about half our patients stupid fucks nowadays in private. This probably isn’t good tbh. If this truly gets bad again, keeping our humanity is going to be difficult.


I’m glad people like you and the people you work with are dealing with this stuff and not people like me.

I’m not into NotBruce edgelord territory with regard to these pricks, but I’m getting really close if I’m being honest with myself.

Kind of surprised Lolla sold out in the end bc they require you to be vaxxed. A week ago they were emailing me ticket offers.

You know what the really fucked up thing is?

If one of them come into my ER crapping out, my care for them be excellent because of the number of people who died under my care. All those mistakes, all those shitty treatment protocols, all those early intubations, all those central lines, all the improvisations we had to do made me better at my job.

Those people didn’t have a simple vaccine they could have taken.

That’s what makes me angry every time I step into some fucking idiots room with covid who chose not to get a vaccine.


Looking for my usual reassurance. All the covid patients in your ER still unvaxxed?

I got a covid test today out of an abundance of caution despite the fact that I’m double-vaxxed with Moderna because I have a respiratory virus of some kind. I kind of got the sense that the nurse administering was being judgmental/curt in our very brief interaction. I wonder if she just assumed I was unvaccinated.

That’s probably not the best metric. What we really care about is how many COVID patient go from the ER to being admitted to the hospital. ER to home is an outcome that I can live with.

Really need the denominator of the vaccination rate in the area CN’s hospital servedsto also analyze that piece of data.

@CaffeineNeeded , not sure what your hospital is doing, but this very qualified website has figured out how to treat covid:

Lol, the best part of that website is how it gets increasingly more ridiculous the more you read. Like at first, it lists some vitamins, so I think “well, at least that probably won’t hurt anyone.” Scroll down further and you get to the invermectins and hydroxychlorquine’s. Ok, getting worse. Scroll down further and now they’re recommending you just straight up prescribe random antibiotics. Not just azithromycin, but like, literally any random antibiotic.

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Also, whatever happenned with remdesivir. Has the medical community concluded that that doesn’t actually really do anything either? Or is it still like the “maybe it helps marginally but who knows, can’t hurt to try tamiflu of covid?”

Vast majority. I’ve admitted one in total. A few here and there.

Anything unusual about the 1 you admitted? Really Old, immunocompromised, J&J vaccine, that kind of thing?

Moderna, 60s, fat. Swab was negative for covid but imaging was covid.


Sister is a doctor at University of Kentucky.

She had a long time vacation planned to the other UK where her husbands family is from here in a week. Obviously that got cancelled. She had a secondary trip planned to visit DC to visit a long time family friend. Except she just got tested positive for COVID. She is vaxxed, and just has mild symptoms. But she obviously cancelled the trip.

Man fuck this shit.


Last I heard its thought to help a bit if given early, but it’s also fucking expensive, so you can’t just speculatively give it early to everyone in case they end up on vents. Given to people already on vents it does nothing, that’s pretty clear now.