COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

Update from moms part 2. Both pastors at their church are hospitalized with Covid. Their church basically had an outbreak and several hospitalized outside of them. I went to their FB page to see if the message was get vaxed so you don’t end up like Pastor Dennis. LOL OF COURSE NOT. It’s all a bunch of bullshit from the pastors about THE POWER OF JESUS WILL DEFEAT COVID. Just hurry the fuck up and die you fucking assholes.


Guess OAN is gonna be big now

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Great post, I think we agree more than we disagree. No issues.


You’ve met dogs, right? Valuing dog lives over human lives is totally rational.


Smoking is an interesting example because look at where we landed on that - we didn’t eradicate it, but we did use social pressures to shun the minority that still smoke and we accept that many of them will die and some “innocent” nearby people will die. If anything this is the template for people that want to open things up for the vaxxed population.


It’s the template of what needs to happen with the obesity epidemic that’s been sweeping the west for years.

Tax the fuck out of the most unhealthy foods, for starters. Use some of that revenue to subsidise healthy food.


I don’t really know. If everyone wore masks and nothing else changed, then definitely we’d be in a better position. If fewer people wore masks but some incremental people got vaccinated because they wanted to not wear masks, then maybe it leaves us in a worse position.

But the fundamental point I think we aren’t exactly agreeing on is that we lost this war. COVID won. All we’re trying to do is lose the war in the way that costs us the least. Buying time in the hopes that some miracle is going to bail us out is just throwing good money after bad. I’ve got no problem with mask mandates, and I personally never stopped wearing one indoors. But if you start talking about lockdowns or school closures to buy time for us to get our testing and tracing systems in place, I think you’re in denial about what the strategic situation is. Conceivably it might make sense to go all out to try to get kids vaccinated, but the fact is we were just too slow there too. At best, kids will start gaining immunity in mid-late October/early November. And given the relatively low severity of COVID for kids, it just isn’t plausible, at least to me, that the harm of losing another half-year of school is less than the harm from getting COVID.

It sucks bad, and I have young kids too, so I can tell you I’m incandescently furious about it, but we just lost. We lost six months ago and we’re just getting around to noticing it. Needs a different mindset.

Schools are going to open, but I’m really struggling to see how it is going to work in any sort of successful way. My kids were in school full time last year with very few issues through a combination of outdoor classes, “rigorous” masking, weekly testing, and remote weeks around break periods. I have almost zero hope that works this year pre vaccines for kids. I expect massive disruption in attendance and whipsawing from remote to full time and back. If vaxxes aren’t out by flu season I’m guessing remote full time.

If assholes aren’t going to take the vaccine can we at least use the doses for kids before school starts?

Midwinter approval for kids 5 and up was the last official word.

You know, this Duterte guy doesn’t sound so bad!

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Say what you want about Rodrigo Duterte, but he makes the vaccinations run on time.


CDC low end case projection by 8/21 200,000 cases a week.

Churchill too sharp.

High end 1.2 million, so, good news is the burn through should be fast after a couple of more doublings from that pace.


There is still a good chance church loses but obviously the current line would not be his side +200 so ya he is looking pretty good here. I think originally I wanted to bet twice as much so at least there’s that.

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I’m sure the run on the betting window would have been deep and wide if he had taken all bets, so, wouldn’t sweat it. Some of his vax efficiency Vs disease stuff still looks over the top, and alpha fizzled, but looks like he was a (near) lone correct voice in the wilderness on vaccinated transmission.


Nah, he’s still full of it. Breakthrough cases are quite rare.

Rare enough that Israel started boosters a few days ago -just underreported your side of the pond, for obvious reasons

Hoo boy

Is it actually smart though? All else equal, I’m on board with fewer people dying, but you really can’t lock down the country on the strength of “if it saves a single life.” It seems smarter to only do things that will work, and whose benefits exceed their costs.