COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

It could have been January 6, but the insurrectionists were too incompetent. Maybe if we’d let them get to Mike Pence…

Not if the UK’s experience with delta is anything to go by (though many relevant factors are different between the two countries).

What’s the % of fully vaccinated there now?

If I had to bet on the next president gun to head right now my pick would be Donald Trump senior. So yes, I agree, there’s a rock bottom coming.

January 6th definitely not the bottom. Not sure it was strategically bad for the overall Trumpist cause at this point.

The Trump cult certainly wouldn’t have cared if they got to Mike Pence. If they had gotten to Mike Pence and nobody else, it probably would be further proof that Nancy Pelosi directed the attack or something something.

Unless there’s an increase in lethality, I don’t see people suddenly waking up and getting vaxxed. This is going to be a kind of Two Americas situation where half the country wears masks and otherwise goes about their business and the other half lets it rip and gets COVID and watches their parents die. Until we get a new freak strain from a human-deer-human spillover that kills us all.


I found out my mom talked my dad out of getting the vaccine months ago. Of course she’s all wrapped up in the Newsmax / Facebook world. Im beyond livid and haven’t talked to her since my brother told me. My dad is 65 with diabetes and is now traveling for work including flying. I’ve already accepted that disaster is coming on a personal level and there is nothing I can do about it. Fucking morons.


Spot the lie…

Another possibility is that the our current setup where we robustly mix vaccinated and unvaccinated people produces the Seal Team 6 variant and makes our current situation look like a picnic.


I chuckle when I hear people talk about the impending doom and gloom of a few hundred thousand cases a day or a thousand dead per day in the US.

We would still be an order of magnitude or more away from getting the people who are perpetuating the pandemic to care.

It comes as a huge surprise to me that the people who said at the beginning that everyone is going to get it anyhow and will have to hit their saving throw in order to survive it were right.


I just talked to my mom. If you remember they were vaccine hesitant but I told them I wasn’t seeing them until they got vaxed and that worked. Thank god it worked. Their best friends who are early 60s now have been hospitalized with Covid. The wife has leukemia and the husband has some health issues as well so this looks very bad. I guess they also gave it to their 80 year old parents who are also hospitalized. Of course they were all vehement anti-vax anti-maskers anti-Covid precaution people like almost all of my parents friends.

Just impossible to know how to feel about any of that. It’s terrible and I feel terrible for them. On the other hand they were spreading misinfo to my parents that I have been fighting tooth and nail against for a year and a half but I don’t want them to die.


I mean the only difference I see now compared to the winter wave is when it hits close to home people might decide getting a shot isn’t that bad. I don’t see people ever caring to the extent of actually doing any real mitigation.

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Smoking is still cool though - it’s just too expensive and too socially excluding for large numbers of people to do it.

If we knew a massive meteorite was going to impact full on tomorrow, ending all life as we know it, I’m going out to buy 60 cigarettes and some Havana cigars.

Reminds me of when we went to Salem. They museum volunteer at the judge’s house mentioned that there were also three dogs killed in the witch trials. To which my wife and daughter went awwwwww. The volunteer pointed that most people would shrug their shoulders at 14 people, but three dogs was a tragedy.

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Yeah, but the dogs weren’t practicing witchcraft.


F. 65 w diabetes has got to be a cfr in the few percent range and his odds of catching have to be really high with that lifestyle. Hopefully he is good about masking.

Very sorry to hear.

I mean, this is 100% coming. We didnt learn shit from Covid. We will get Captain Trippsed one day

Apparently they were. That’s why they were killed.

The problem in Salem is that hung or crushed their witches. Everyone know you have to burn them.

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Delta cases were going up quickly then, just from a small number so they got washed out in the overall statistics.

I don’t know what your relationship is like with your parents, but I wouldn’t give up on him. Don’t underestimate the power of gentle, constant reminders or checking in.