COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

When the main symptoms of Delta are headache, runny nose and loss of taste, even the symptomatic, Vaxxed or unvaxxed, are unlikely to get tested… Unless they have to - see unvaxxed health workers or states trying to operate Safe schools shortly

I won’t be posting Africans dancing figifwhen they did, but I don’t care if they die. Foafo

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I don’t have a problem with mask mandates, precisely due to their low cost.


Heh, we’re in the middle of a church outbreak where I live too. Fucking douchebags


I had 6 people from the same congregation in my icu a week ago. We allow pastors to visit our covid patients assuming they follow PPE requirements. Their pastor got banned from the hospital for refusing to wear a mask. He said he already had covid (lol of course he did) and couldn’t get it again. 2 of the 6 are dead 2 are still on ventilators. 4 more got admitted to our acute care floors and 1 more to the icu yesterday.

Meanwhile I’ve quit doing anything extra for anyone. No more extra shifts, no helping people outside of my assignment. I’m on the verge of quitting and just taking a vacation for 6 months.


Man. Sorry you had to deal with that. How the church literally became the main anti-vax proponents is wild to me. It doesn’t seem very “Christlike”. I mean yes I know most of American Christianity is one big proxy for white supremacy but still that doesn’t explain literally giving no fucks about wiping out your friends and family. And for what exactly?

Good news! FDA is going to start trying to approve the Pfizer vaccine as promptly as possible:

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Surely that will convince these pesky stragglers to get the shot.

Helpful for potential mandates that might convince people to take a shot though

And we will instantly see the deplorables seamlessly pivot from not taking it because it isn’t FDA approved to not taking it because approval was rushed. twirls finger in air

But yah full approval will mean more places mandating which is obviously good. Not good enough to get us out of endless covid hell, but sure why not.

JT has a good point though about more stringent closures in the real world. A little more stringent closure now could lead to less time closed overall without it being all or nothing. It’s all unpredictable. And of course we don’t really have a choice about any of it.

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That has to be the least surprising thing about this pandemic. The book of John has a bunch of relevant quotes:

There is a bunch more and also in the rest of the new testament. Faith is the highest virtue and trusting science can be construed as a sign of waivering faith. Why would you get vaccinated unless you don’t trust god to protect you?


Why eat food. God will protect me. (Not directed at you. You are right in your assessment but it’s ludicrous.)

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God provided the food, obviously. But NOT the vaccine… Always a head scratcher. Weddings and funerals only for me.

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They are more than willing to fight a war of attrition

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FDA and CDC have performed miserably.

I think it’s a stretch to say there’s a scriptural basis behind vaccine refusal. It’s much more about tribal identity and aligning yourself with the MAGA rightwing ethos. Also there’s the rightwing paranoia about gov’t institutions that leads to batshit facebook conspiracies being accepted. Christian fundamentalism is kind of something that’s just along for the ride.

It’s like, why did the church become so anti-abortion where there’s nothing about that in the Bible? Because keeping women in their place is part of the rightwing zeitgeist.



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Is there anyway to convince the Christians Covid Is a test by God and by not taking the vaccine they made it is a failure on their part.