COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

Chickenpox spreads an order of magnitude more than the flu.

Thatā€™s the joke. Well, part of it anyway.

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Things are now getting so bad here that Iā€™m even wearing my mask inside my own homeā€“to fend off the brutal pollen allergies.


This would be a very good time to get the vaccine, if anyone was on the fence about that.


It says that the CDC believes that vaccinated people who get infected with Delta spread the virus as easily as the unvaccinated, which was not believed to be the case with prior strains. The advice to wear masks is on this basis. Mask efficacy is not discussed, but they obviously think they help.

btw, if you read on computer a lot, install a lightweight browser (I use UR Browser) and disable JavaScript in it. Cut paste paywalled links into it. Defeats NY Times and WaPo paywalls and a few others.


Th delta curve is 90 degrees north. This will be the worst wave yet for Florida. Hopefully it peaks soon.
Mean while the Hardrock is running a huge tournament serious, mask are optional. Exporting Delta all over the countryā€¦

Cliffs are they changed the mask guidance because the likelihood that a vaccinated person who gets infected will transmit Covid appears higher with the Delta variant than earlier variants.

They still need to do more research, but it seems like vaccinated people who are infected with Delta have higher amounts of virus in their nose and throat than vaccinated folks who were infected with earlier variants. This higher viral load probably means that they are more contagious (though probably less contagious than an unvaccinated individual with Delta).

Since the vaccines still appear pretty good at preventing serious illness, vaccinated people wonā€™t necessarily know theyā€™re sick, so, if, in fact, we can spread it, we need to mask up again.

[Article doesnā€™t really drill down into mask effectiveness too much, but my non- science bro take (and this is truly a WAG, so happy to be corrected by people who actually know stuff) is that the molecular properties of the virus havenā€™t changed, so for any given amount of virus you shed a mask will still block the same amount. But, if Delta is causing a greater viral load, a person breathing out through, say, a 95% effective mask would end up putting more virus into the air in a certain amount of time than an otherwise identical person wearing the same mask who was infected with an earlier variant. So, masks arenā€™t useless, but they might not be as effective, especially if weā€™re talking about cloth or basic surgical masks]


Going double mask again and not going anywhere inside except for essentials for another 10 months, gjge dotardites.

To defeat NYT just hit the stop loading button before the grey screen comes up.

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With pool testing, itā€™s not bad. I think the kids and students bring in their swabs in sealed bags on the designated day, nurse or other staff collect them and send them off. If any come back positive, the contact tracing and retesting start. If itā€™s in a low prevalence environment, it shouldnā€™t be too chaotic after the first few iterations.

A decent chunk of vaccinated people are not going to go back to mask wearing or will throw a fuss. Gonna be a lot of retail workers in danger.

Agreed chickenpox metaphor seems like bullshit

Iā€™ve started seeing a few people in the Er with vaccine side effects again. So people do seem to be getting them.

(Minor side effects is all)


This is very accurate. A large number of people who were fine with masks and lockdowns a year ago are not going to be ok with them now that they are vaccinated. Part of me gets it in that we made the sacrifices for a year and then we did our part in getting the vaccine, so fuck you Iā€™m not wearing a mask anymore, but yea retail workers are in for some mega Karen situations.

I just started back to work for the first time in 18 months in a very public facing role. Iā€™m masked and in the northeast, but man Iā€™m not too thrilled about the way things are going. My new employer did offer a $100 incentive for employees to get vaccinated, so that was cool.

We need to get those people to target their anger towards those who really deserve it, the willingly unvaccinated. The Othering of the unvaxxed needs to commence.

ā€œitā€™s really wild how anti vaxxers land all along the political spectrum from yoga freaks who cried when trump won to maga freaks who stormed the capitolā€

Is it? Theyā€™re all racists who are getting to do a genocide without having to kill anyone face to face. I think it makes a lot of sense!

Which just goes to show that we donā€™t control measles without mandatory vaccination. Go figure.

Just makes me ill to read these.

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Darwin Award.