COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

There is more of an argument against seatbelts or motorcycle helmets than face masks.

In the first two cases you not getting hurt saves society money in terms of healthcare.

The masks actually protect other people.

Guy literally dies because of his choice but nobody can criticize it.

I criticize it like I criticize a drunk driver who kills themselves.

People think they should be free from all criticism from their choices which is not how any of this works.



I feel worse for the drunk driver - at least he/she has the excuse that they made the decision when drunk.

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That’s different because they’re terrorists, not real people.

And addiction to alcohol is a real thing that elicits empathy. Addiction to conservative political outrage? Not so much.


Maybe they’re not so different? A lot of the extreme MAGA lunacy makes sense if you imagine they’re getting dopamine hits from Trumpmania.

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MAGA lunacy is more like a cult than a drug addiction, but yes you are right that there is some theoretical basis to empathize. However, in my probably biased opinion I think that Deplorable Culture resonates a lot more with ignorant, hateful, racist people and being ignorant, hateful, and racist is (mostly) a choice. I am sympathetic to the liberal/progressive instinct to give people chances and the benefit of the doubt. This is the moral foundation of progressive politics! But if someone was an ignorant racist hateful shitbag in 2000 and now they are addicted to ignorant racist hateful Facebook posts, then in my books that’s not a whoopsie.

How do the spreaders of vax disinformation rationalize the chain clearly being broken between cases and deaths? Has any country seen death numbers spike in line with the increase in cases? And I would guess cases are being undercounted as significantly as they have been since the very beginning of the pandemic.

I don’t even really see the Berensons of the world bring it up or try to provide alternate explanation. It’s typically just “30 vaxxed old people died in UK = VACCINES DON’T WORK” type stuff.

Anti-vaxers have never trusted the numbers. Why would they start now. Also I suspect we are going to see a pretty significant rise in death over the next month. First the cases rise, then the hospitals fill up then people die. Yes the vaccine will help that ratio be better than it was before but I would be pleasantly surprised if we did not hit 1000 deaths/day again in the US.

Womp womp.

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Yeah. I was infuriated by headlines yesterday “NSW tightens Covid restrictions”

Wtf motherfucker? How are you not maxed out 6 weeks ago?

From experience in Vic. Im thinking part of it is about restrictions in workplaces. Vic did a really good job working with essential employers and putting in place really well thought out, risk based, covid safe plans.

Nsw just seems to be “essential workers” what can you do? And throwing their hands up.

Beyond frustrated right now. Ive just come out of lockdown, but if NSW is burning down right next door theres no way it lasts. Ugh.

This is interesting and sounds like a logistical nightmare:

Maybe eventually you will hit an outbreak that can’t be contained, but this one in NSW was definitely not such an outbreak. The outbreaks it subsequently spawned in SA and Victoria were controlled relatively easily and NSW’s restrictions were just way too lax at every point. The original outbreak was in the Bondi area of the city, which is like upper west Manhattan or something demographically, wealthy Clinton liberals. They could have had huge compliance on countermeasures there. Instead the outbreak is now raging in areas like Canterbury-Bankstown, poor blue-collar areas with lots of people working essential jobs, moving around in jobs like freight, lower compliance levels, large immigrant households, etc.

Yeah Adelaide being a smaller city might be able to be a fortress, like when Melbourne had its long lockdown we didn’t have outbreaks seeded here, but that was with the “ring of steel” etc, so without a similar thing around Sydney who knows. It’s hard to imagine Melbourne keeping the virus out with Sydney in meltdown though, just way too much commerce going on between the two.

100k or so cases inbound for USA#1 today. Florida with nearly 18k of them.

No subscription. What does this say? Wear a mask still? Masks don’t do shit?

“Spreads as easily as chickenpox” is either hyperbole or astonishing news.

Chickenpox is just the flu!

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