COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

This is some bad Covid protocol here…

Washington State DoH just put out a press release - Students in K-12 to wear masks when the new school year starts.

@spidercrab , maybe there’s hope for you, too.


Gonna need ethical skeptic to debunk this for me.

NSW Police have formally requested that the Federal Government supply them with Defence Force personnel to help them enforce lockdown orders. There is no Posse Comitatus or anything of the sort here, the government can deploy the army on domestic soil anytime they want. Possibly you have to declare an emergency first or something, I’m not familiar with the formalities, but formalities are all they are.

NSW’s attempts to curb the outbreak so far are not working.


They have been a step behind at every point of this outbreak. WA Premier Mark McGowan was scathing a couple days ago:

But in his longest rant yet against NSW, Mr McGowan said the eastern state had failed to put appropriate measures in place.

“Obviously, the NSW government has made some terrible mistakes,” he told reporters on Monday.

“We just want them to put in place measures that work. They’ve got to actually take it more seriously. They’ve got to lockdown properly.”

Mr McGowan was especially critical of the NSW government’s restrictions regarding local government borders and the use of masks.

“They can’t have borders between local government areas within Sydney. People cross local government borders … it’s not working,” he said.

“They don’t have a mask mandate outside … people are wandering out in the streets without masks on.

“They don’t have restrictions on people leaving Sydney, they don’t have the roadblocks that every other state government has put in place.

“All we’re saying to the NSW government is it’s a risk to the entire country – they need to put in place measures that work like other states have done.”

The two states are governed by different parties, but it’s still very unusual for a state to criticize another as directly as this.

If there has ever been an advertisement for going very hard, very early in controlling COVID it is this. The brutality of suppression measures required also increases exponentially.


Some updates from Oklahoma:

My partner’s hospital which is one of the largest in the state if not the largest is back well over 100% capacity. There are also zero pediatric ICU beds available in the entire state. In her hospital half of the Covid patients in ICU are under 40 and 30% are under 30. Obviously that is all anecdotal and fairly small sample size but it seems like the 27 year old from the story above is not alone here.


Is that pronounced like Shane?

It could also be the case that Delta is just too infectious to control in a population with so little immunity. That reinforces your point, because you need to go all-out while case numbers are small to try and catch some lucky breaks and eliminate the epidemic. But even then you can’t keep getting lucky forever.

I’m going with Cha Whine E.

I assume this is ok to post since the FB page is public. This is not someone I know but it was forwarded to me. Their dad, who was anti-vax, died from Covid. Instead of learning the lesson of hey maybe get vaccinated them and most of their family appears to be doubling down on anti-vax propaganda. I continue to believe this situation is insanely hopeless. The post in question is the very top one here:

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I have tried to make a burner Facebook account for situations like this and those bastards are really good at sniffing that shit out. I now believe it’s basically impossible to have/access a FB account that isn’t linked to me.

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For all the people smarter than me who do not have FB(this isn’t the whole thing but you get the idea):

Not feeling much hope. This is the current situation. Apologies for the bloggish nature.

Within the last couple of days:

You would think that a reasonable Board of Education would say, “Based on the clear recommendations at both the state and local level, we are requiring masks.”

Instead, parents here are losing their minds about the possibility of masks and have created a petition to prevent a masking requirement. Moreoever, a member of the Board of Education is advocating that people sign that petition, so that the Board can show that masking is not what the public wants.

What’s also fun is that parents are already circulating a form letter they plan to use to claim a religious exemption from any mask mandate.

A local district has already decided (after the Public Health recommendations were announced) that masks will be optional. The district recommends masks for unvaccinated people and will rely on an honor system. So if they see an entire elementary school or 6th grade class of unmasked children, they’ll assume that all of them are vaccinated, despite the vaccine not being available to them.

Oh, and the state legislature is trying to restrict any public school from requiring masks:

SB 209 would prohibit the state school board, the Ohio Department of Education or individual school districts’ boards of education from requiring anyone to wear facial coverings in a public education setting.

So the expectation is that our local school district (Dublin) will make masks optional. Which is making my wife lose her shit. I have no idea what we’re going to do.

Current state of affairs in the 3 counties making up our district: cases are increasing rapidly, currently back at mid-May levels:

In Maryland, on the other hand, Montgomery County has announced that universal masking will be required. So the idea of my wife and kid going to live with her parents for the school year is still in play.

Not good times in the spidercrab household.


Ugh. It’s just amazing how wedded they are to this idea that everyone’s personal choices are somehow uncriticizable. It’s the same with general political beliefs tbh, so of course vaccine beliefs have been emphasized by politicians as a natural extension of that. How many times do we hear whining from people about how we shouldn’t criticize them for their personal beliefs, as if it being a personal belief somehow makes it less idiotic, hateful, or harmful.


“We have the right to spread deadly diseases because religion” is so perfectly American. GL spiderfam

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And nearly 100% of these people have quite a lot to say about Muslims.

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And I’m sure these dipshits feel exactly the same way about a womans right to choose to have an abortion.

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It’s hopeless for sure with certain people. I have said before my MIL is probably as high risk as possible, her father died from covid, can’t see her grandkid and she still refuses the vaccine. It must be incredibly frustrating to be a healthcare working right now.