COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

We got up to 9 Covid positive patients last night

Two husband/wife couples both pozzed, one in their 40’s, one in their 50’s.

One positive in her 30’s led to this humorous exchange:

MD: Your test came back positive. You have Covid

Patient: No I don’t. I can’t.

MD: Were you vaccinated?

Patient: No, but I’m over Covid by now.

MD: Well, you actually do have Covid, but your oxygen levels are okay, so we’re gonna send you home.

Family: We need you to quarantine her and isolate her here in the Emergency Room for two weeks.

MD: lol that’s not how this works


The voluntary unvaxxed are the majority in some states, how do you other them?

Looks like we now move to a world of semi-permanent masking (until we get vaccine 2.0 down the line) and COVID waves for a few years given the CDC slides. We really should be moving towards a six week national lockdown but lol.

Good news is the vaccines should keep us from dying. Bad news is that the relatively fast 18 month return to normal is off the table and the vulnerable and those that live with them and have low risk tolerance are probably back to isolating indefinitely. Hopefully long COVID isn’t as bad as the most dire studies say it might be. Also really have no idea how schools open in the fall now. Sorry next generation of vulnerable kids, better luck next life.

Don’t see how the healthcare system in the low vaxxed states doesn’t collapse or come close to it in the coming weeks. Already undwr strain now with rapid doubling already seeded and low mitigation. Hopefully we catch some sort of miracle and avoid it, but not optimistic.

I’m a bit skeptical about this part

I’d bet he was just a straight up antivaxxer and his “one year” rule materialized sometime after he was in the hospital.


Pretty much that. Nobody I know who said something like that has received the vaccine. They use it because they don’t want the antivax stigmatization.

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Got my first dose of Pfizer 2 weeks ago. Any reason to do anything other than just get 2nd jab as soon as eligible? Had considered waiting around to see if maybe J and J or another option might be better vs delta. Gonna have to deal with TJ/SD border and pay for a bunch of taxis so not really looking forward to it.

Got my first jab in Oregon which had recently gone maskless statewide. Was pretty nuts coming from Rosarito Mexico which is like 75pct mask usage outdoor and 95pct indoor. Was definitely getting some weird looks wearing my mask.

I feel like my area in baja California is going to get absolutely rocked. I know cabo already is. Locally we’re completely ofb and restaurants/bars only do the ceremonial masking until you’re seated. The only new restriction I’ve heard here is they’re going back to not allowing kids in Walmart.

To make matters worse were having a 6 day concert series here in 2 weeks. And socal seems to be shutting down again so assume we’re gonna get the same influx of irresponsible people who want to party. We didn’t have shortages locally last spring until Americans starting showing up and making sure their vacation homes had a 10 year supply of staples. But some i assume are good people!

Not sure about local vaccination rates but assume they’re really low. I’ve heard anecdotal stories that getting the vaccine here is a shitshow. You’re assigned a day and it’s first come first serve. One woman said she showed up at 930am and was waiting outside without shade until 6pm. There’s also just so much ignorance here on on the subject and belief in disinformation, though guess we’re not alone there. So while I feel next to 0 sympathy for a lot of unvaccinated that will get sick and die in richer countries, it’s more complicated here.



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We need to figure that out because the 2022 and 2024 elections may turn into a referendum on masks and vaccines. Their side is motivated. We need our side to be equally angry.

Dems aren’t going to win either of those elections. They fucked up COVID response and passed nothing, how are they gonna win in 2022?

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By creating a target for people to vote against.

It’s sort of embarrassing for the secret Wuhan bioweapon development team that they missed this tweak which makes the China Virus 2-3 times as infectious. We should get our Gain of Function research funding back.


It may not work, but I agree that Dem refusal to ever actually accuse the other side of anything in unnecessarily tying one hand behind their back in the fight. An all out advertising assault with personal stories of loss mixed with “unvaccinated Republicans are doing this to you” might have some traction. But I think the establishment Dems don’t have it in them. They would back down and apologize after the first HOW DARE YOU from the Rs, and they worship at the same altar of the Freedom Means Everything Is A Personal Choice Church that the Rs do.

well fucking done.

Typical of you to conflate lab accident with secret highly optimized bioweapons research.

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Rodrigo Duterte told a national address on Wednesday: “For those who do not want it, well, for all I care, you can die anytime.”




Establishment Dems are entirely too kind and unwilling to fire some personal attacks at the other side, preferring to signal displeasure in a passive-aggressive manner that they think shows how clever they are.

I’m glad someone pointed this out.

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Yesterday, my apartment building sent around an email saying that everyone is required to wear masks again in common areas of the building. The prior policy (put into effect in late June) was that only unvaccinated people had to wear masks in common areas.

At my workplace, no masks required for vaccinated folks.

I dunno, I feel like this is a better dig about D614G. Delta has a few different things going on. It’s really not reasonable to expect bio weapons scientists working under conditions of strict secrecy and dubious safety protocols to optimize a virus as well as a ~quintillion virus replication events. Frankly, perpetuating the idea that Chinese products are inherently lower in quality is just another example of the racist trash the lab leakers keep churning out.